Chapter 5

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I woke up the next day because I could smell something burning. It must have been Combeferre. I made my way out of bed and sneaked down the stairs to see what's going on.

My assumptions were proved right after I saw Combeferre trying to stop the fire. I had to chuckle in the progress. Combeferre took notice of me and walked up to me. He practically begged me to help him— he was my brother after all. We managed to get all the fire away and we as soon as that happened, we bursted out laughing.

"How about I am cooking?", I asked him. "This kitchen belongs to you.", he said before leaving the kitchen. "Oh and Aurore? I love you hair down. You should wear it open more often.", Combeferre said with a smile. My hair was average. It was brown and wavy and I rarely wore it open. Combeferre would always say how long it was and he didn't understand how girls could have so much hair.

I grabbed my ingredients for breakfast and got ready making it. I felt hands sneaking around my waist. I turned around and hit Grantaire by accident. "Oh my god, I am so sorry Grantaire. I-I didn't mean to.", I said, trying to express how sorry I was.
"Hey, it's fine. At least you can defend yourself. And I am sorry, I shouldn't have done that. That was completely uncalled for.", he rambled.

"Breakfast?", I asked. "Yes, please, I am starving.", Grantaire said before he slapped his hand in front of his mouth. "You should be happy you're not starving.", I said. That moment Combeferre joined us. His eyes immediately met his cheek. "Oh my god Grantaire. What happened?" "I accidentally hit him. It was a reflex of mine.", I confessed.

The thing is, when I was 9 years old, an older man grabbed me by my waist and I was saved by Combeferre. He's the only one who knows what happened and what could've happened if he didn't stop it.

"Grantaire, she didn't mean to." "I know. It was my fault." "No, it wasn't. It was mine, 'ferre.", I said. I felt guilty. "Stop feeling guilty. It's fine. I shouldn't have done that.", Grantaire said. I still felt awful. I had to ruin every thing. Seriously! What is wrong with me? "Aurore, are you okay?", Combeferre asked. I looked up at him. My first thought was run and that's what I did.

I ran up the stairs to my room and locked it. I couldn't breathe anymore so I opened a window. I could hear Combeferre banging against the door, which made me feel even worse. Tears started forming in my eyes and I knew, I had to go. Even if it was for a few hours. I just had to. I walked to the open window and climbed out. I was on the first floor and it wasn't that high.

I just ran. I can't remember how far and how long I ran. I just did. That's until a large building came in my view. It was old, colors were coming off the wall. It was a two-story-building and a lot of light came out of it. By the time I reached the building it was dark.
I felt awful, awful for what I did to Grantaire and to Combeferre. I entered the building and it smelled like wine and old wood. I was greeted by an elder women. "Bonjour Mademoiselle, may I help you?"
"Can you tell me where I am? I am kinda lost here.", I said. "Oui, this is Café Musain. Do you need me to help you find your parents?", she asked. This question hurt. But she couldn't know that.

"Uh actually, my brother. I kind of had a breakdown and I ran away.", I explained. "Oh. Sit down my dear, I'll get one of the boys to escort you home.", she said, walking up the stairs. I could hear her talk and then I could hear several footsteps coming down. "Aurore, what are you doing here?", I could hear my brother ask. "The question goes back to you.", I said, looking at him directly. "You guys know each other?", another young man asked. He also had curly hair and he was absolutely handsome.

"Courfeyrac, this is my sister, Aurore, this is my friend Courfeyrac.", he introduced, "I thought you were still at home. Your door was locked." "I locked it and then I climbed out.", I said. Then another few man came down the stairs. Hot damn. Combeferre knew some pretty guys. "Combeferre, what—oh.", I could hear him say. His voice. It was Enjolras.

(A/N: wow thank you so much for 50+ reads already. It means so much to me. Leave your thoughts on this chapter below )

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