Chapter 7

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Days have passed since the incident in the Café. I was reading a book when I sneezed. The book fell to the floor. I must have dropped it. I went to pick it up, when I sneezed again. Oh no, I cannot get sick right now!

I could hear the door open. Combeferre stood in the door and looked at me. His face was full of worry. "Are you alright? I heard a loud bang.", he said. "I am alright. I just dropped my book.", I said picking it up. I sneezed once again. "Aurore, you must have caught the flu."

He put his hand on my forehead and immediately flinched away. "What?" "You're burning.", he said, "Aurore, bed, now! Do as I say." "I am fine!", I tried. "NOW!", Combeferre yelled.

I got into bed, like Combeferre told me to. He wasn't a doctor yet but he knew a lot about medical stuff. More than I knew. I'm sure, that one day, Combeferre will start studying medicine. He will be a doctor.

Soon I fallen asleep but I woke up when I could hear the front door open. I slowly opened my eyes and got up. My head was aching horribly but I had to see what was going on. I opened the door and walked to the staircase. 11 boys were standing in your hallway. Well, 7 strangers, Combeferre, Grantaire, Enjolras and Gavroche.

"Look, there's Aurore. Bonjour Aurore!", Gavroche yelled when he saw you. Combeferre immediately looked into your direction. He flashed me a big smile. He slowly made his way up to me. "Are you feeling better now?", he asked. "My head is aching."
Combeferre felt my forehead. "Your fever broke." I nodded.

The boys were sitting in the living room. When I walked into the room, a million of questions from the boys went in my direction. "Who are you?" "How old are you?" "Boys, stop!", Combeferre said, " this is my sister, Aurore and she's 15."
"Aurore is the best cook in all of France!", Gavroche yelled. "Merci Gavroche.", I said with a smile.

(A/N: so next chapter will be a time jump because I think she has been 15 for some time now.... also if you like OneShots of different fandoms, check out my new book. I'll post another OneShot tonight. Leave your thoughts on this chapter below )

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