Chapter 16

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Even if Combeferre didn't want me to fight in this Revolution, I, for sure, was ready to fight. I woke up after I heard the boys yell. At first, I thought they were attacked but when I walked outside, Enjolras was climbing over the barricade. I couldn't read his face but I was sure, that it didn't mean something good. "The people have not stirred. We're abandoned by those who still live in fear. Let us not waste lives, let all who wish to, go from here.", he said. Combeferre and I exchanged glances and we knew how bad the problem really was.

The boys were tired since the most have stayed awake incase something happened. "I'd suggest to send home Gavroche and Aurore. They are kids. They have done no wrong.", Enjolras suggested. "I won't leave!", me and Gavroche yelled in union. Combeferre facepalmed himself and Courfeyrac shook his head. "I can't force them, can I?", Enjolras asked, turning to Combeferre and Courfeyrac.

Gavroche and I exchanged a high-five. Of course, he was smaller than me, so I bowed down to him. Then we could hear footstomps approaching. Combeferre gulped. "At your positions!", Enjolras yelled. Moments of silent filled the barricade and the other side. "You at the barricade, listen to this. The people of Paris sleep in their beds, you have no chance, no chance at all. Why throw your lives away?", a Guard yelled at us. "Let us die, facing our foes, make them bleed while we can.", Enjolras yelled back.

"Make them pay through their nose!", Combeferre added. "Make them pay for every man!", Courfeyrac yelled back. I prepared my gun and so did the boys. What we all didn't see coming, was little Gavroche, who had gun through a hole in the barricade. He wanted to collect ammuntion because we didn't have enough. All I could hear was Combeferre beg Gavroche to come back. I climbed up the barricade to see what was going on. I tried climbing over the barricade to get him back but without success. Two little bullets sent the little boy to the angels.

Out of shock, I almost fell of the barricade. Jehan caught me and put me back on my feet. The battle had begun. Bullets were flying around, killing my friends. 6 bullets - 5 friends. The first one hit Marius, right into his shoulder. The second one, hit Feuilly, he was dead immediately. The third one, hit Joly, the lovely doctor. Joly was shot in the stomach. Joly cried before he died. As the last tear of the doctor dried, the doctor took his last breath.

Bahorel tried saving Bossuet from the fourth bullet but it hit himself. For once in Bossuets life, he was lucky. Well that was until the fifth bullet pierced him. The sixth bullet almost hit me but Combeferre jumped in front of me and got hit instead of me. "NO! 'Ferre, you'll live. Please, don't leave me!", I begged. I cried, I screamed but his eyes were closed.
Courfeyrac took my arm and pulled me in the Café. "Aurore, I am so sorry. But we need to barricade the door!", he said. "Courf, I am scared.", I confessed. He hugged me. "Me too.", he said. "Get up here!", Enjolras yelled.

We climbed up the stairs and Enjolras chopped them off, to save us time. But we could hear them, they were below us. A Guard reloaded his musket and bang: pain went through my body. I collapsed to the wooden floor. I could see that I was bleeding, I was hit in the stomach. Another bullet hit me in the leg. Courfeyrac picked me up and we hid behind the bar. I groaned in pain as Courfeyrac pressed into my wound. Jehan was crying. Enjolras was praying.

We were hiding for quite some time. I lost consciousness due to the blood loss. I don't know what happened afterwards. I felt like I was dead already.

(A/N: kind of thinking that all my stories are going downhill 😩 maybe leave feedback of my writing/my stories below it would be very helpful.)

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