Chapter 9

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"Why all the laughing? This is serious. I will throw you out if you don't take this Revolution serious.", Enjolras scolded. I stood up from my seat. Our laughter had died down. I was completely serious. "Enjolras, you can't throw me out. You need my help because this Revolution will fail if I leave.", I said sternly. He didn't look too amused about it but then he nodded.

"Very well.", he said and sat back down. Enjolras became a statue over the years. People called him "the Marble man". Not because he was cold— well he for sure was —but also because he never felt anything. I know what you're thinking. But Enjolras, he was truly the marble man.

He rarely showed feelings, and only when nobody was looking. Combeferre looked at me and then back to him. Then he nodded in my direction and I sat back down. Courfeyrac was pale. He didn't even dare to look at me. "Fey? It's alright. I am not mad at you.", I said. He sighed and looked at me again. "Thank you.", he said.

The rest of the meeting was silent. No one dared to say a word. That was until Combeferre got up. "What are you doing?", Enjolras whispered. "Boys, listen up. I wouldn't say a thing if I could handle it myself but there's a man: a man who wants to marry my Aurore. The thing is, he's a royalist."

Combeferre got interrupted. "Yuck!", Gavroche yelled. "Me too little buddy, me too. He will do everything to get my sister. If you see a man standing behind her that you don't know, please tell him to fuck off." He sat back down. The boys gasped. Combeferre never used those words. Unless he was petrified.

"What if— what if one of us pretends to be her boyfriend or fiancé? Maybe then he would leave her alone?", Courfeyrac suggested. "Maybe. Aurore, would you be okay with that?" I nodded. "Who volunteers?" The boys all lifted their hands. Even little Gavroche. I had to laugh. "Courfeyrac, my best friend. You will do it. I think you fit the best to my sister.", he said.

"No, I think Enjolras does fit more to her."

(A/N: lmao this is short, sorry. But who do you think fits better to her? Leave your answer and your thoughts on this chapter below )

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