Chapter 6

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Enjolras. His name was spinning in my mind. Remember when I told you about those two boys, Combeferre was playing with when I was born?

Enjolras was one of them. Enjolras was a year younger than Combeferre but they got friends almost immediately after they met for the first time. "Combeferre, what is your sister doing here? I thought no one knew about it.", Enjolras hissed.

"Leave him alone. I ran and somehow ended up here. Combeferre didn't know about it. I didn't even know where I am. And to be honest, I am really confused as to why I am not allowed to know where my own brother goes at night. It's definitely not work.", I yelled, directing the last part to Combeferre. They didn't say anything. Instead they just looked at the floor, like three guilty little kids.

I scoffed. I tried turning around before Combeferre got held of my wrist. He pulled me back. I looked at Combeferre, tears already forming in my eyes. "Why couldn't you just tell me? I would've understood. Why all the secrecy?", I asked. "Because you're not supposed to know.", Combeferre tried. "Ah, so apparently I am not allowed to know where my older brother is. The one that is supposed to take care of me!", I yelled.

I knew it was wrong to yell at him like that but I couldn't think straight. I was consumed by my anger. He looked back down to the ground. Enjolras moved away. "Oh no, you're staying. You're in this now!", I said, sternly. My tears had stopped but now I was full-on angry. Enjolras gulped. "Enjolras, why did you leave us when we needed you the most?"

I was surprised as how calm I had gotten over the matter of seconds. "Why would you have needed me?", he asked. "You know why!", I said. "No, Aurore, he doesn't. I didn't tell him.", Combeferre said. "Oh.", I said. I had no idea that Combeferre didn't tell him. Once again that guilt crawled up. Now it was my turn to look at the ground. I sat back down in my chair. Combeferre looked at me. His eyes were beaming with tears.

His eyes met mine. Enjolras looked at both of us. "Will someone please tell me what is going on?", he asked. "Enjolras, o-our p-parents d-died.", Combeferre stuttered. His eyes widened. "Oh my god, I am so sorry, for both of you. When did that happen?", he asked.

"Our father died two months after I was born. Our mother joined him earlier this year.", I said. He looked at both of us again. His face fell. "I am so sorry for not being there for you both.", Enjolras whispered. Guilt washed over me again. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. Combeferre saw that and went to hug me.

His embrace was one of the most beautiful things ever. I knew that Combeferre loved me. He wanted to keep me safe from all this. I just really wished that he would've told me.

(A/N: another update. Honestly in the last few days, school has been so rough. I can't believe that I am in my graduation year and that I have to do so many things, in order to graduate. Anyways, leave your thoughts on this chapter below )

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