Chapter 8

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It was the 1st January 1832. Rumors of Revolution filled the air. No one knew if they were actually true, let me tell you something. They were.

My friends and my brother wanted to change France to a better place. They have been planning for this Revolution almost 7 years now and I was a part of their group. Even if Combeferre didn't want me to. But I was 21 now, and I decided.

I was standing in the Café Musain, minding my own business, when I felt a hand grab my hair. "Ouch, let me go." I turned around to see Fabien LeRoux, a man that has been following me for ages. He was from a wealthy family and he wanted me to be his wife.

Just the thing is, he supports the king. And I don't. "Leave my sister alone. Don't touch her.", Combeferre said to Fabien. "She secretly likes it when I touch her.", he said with a smirk. A smirk that I wanted to punch out of his face. I could tell that Combeferre wanted to do that too.

"Besides, she's an adult, let us have fun.", he said. "She's an adult but still my little sister. So back off.", Combeferre said. I saw his fist, ready to punch. "I think you should go. And leave us.", I said to Fabien. He rolled his eyes and left the Café. I hugged Combeferre. "I hate this bastard.", he said. "'ferre, me too.", I said. We were interrupted by Enjolras.

"Meeting. Now!", he said. We both ran up the stairs and sat down on the empty chairs. I was seated in between Jehan and Courfeyrac. Lately, Courfeyrac had started staring at me. But it wasn't bothering me. He was my best friend. And nothing more. I wasn't interested in a man. I wanted my freedom. I wanted to change France. I wanted to travel around the world. I couldn't do all these things if I was married. I couldn't change France because he would be a royalist. I couldn't travel around the world because I would have a child to take care of. I didn't have my freedom.

And that was all I wanted. I loved those boys. They were my family and my best friends. I held a special memory with each boy in my heart. For example, when I turned 18, Courfeyrac had made a surprise party for me. When I turned 16, Grantaire finally put his bottle down. When I was 17, Enjolras let me go to one of his rallies. Joly patched me up after that rally.

I had taught Feuilly how to read. Jehan helped me write my first poem. And Combeferre, he was my big brother. He introduced me to my lost family. Without him, I'd be nothing. He has a kind soul and treats everyone equal.

If that was everything? No, definitely not. There were more than just one memory. "Is it something you need Courfeyrac?", I asked. His cheeks flushed in a deep red shade. "No, I am sorry. I didn't know I was staring.", he whispered. "It's fine Courf, I was just kidding.", I said laughing. He joined me.

(A/N: timee jump.....leave your thoughts on this chapter below )

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