Chapter 14

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The funeral was about to begin

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The funeral was about to begin. I could see my brother next to Jehan. Eponine and I blended in the crowd. I was nervous. And by the facial expression from my brother, I could tell that he was too.

"A, what do you think is going to happen now?", Eponine asked. "I don't know.", I said. Now we had to wait. The carriage with the coffin of the General was coming our way. And by the face of Enjolras, I knew that he was about to light Paris up.

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry man
It is the music of the people who
will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart,
echos the beating of the drums.
There is a life about to start when tomorrow comes!


It had stopped. No one was moving. "Draw!", a man on a horse yelled. Then they stormed into the direction of the Revolutionaries. Enjolras, Combeferre and Courfeyrac started shooting when the National Guard started shooting. "TO THE BARRICADE!", Enjolras yelled and ran into the direction of the Café.

My arm was grabbed by Eponine, who dragged me alongside her. Soon we reached the Café and the boys had already started throwing furniture on the streets. Grantaire had a girl sitting his lap. She was crying. Grantaire hugged her. Then he whispered something to her and left. I ran over to her. "Is everything alright?" "My brother is going to die here. His love for Enjolras is stronger than his will to live. I can't let my brother die like this.", she said.

"My brother is fighting too. But he doesn't know I am here. I will try to help them as much as I can. Grantaire is a strong man. He can do it.", I tried to cheer her up. "Thank you....", she started. "Aurore. My name is Aurore." "Why are you dressed like a man?" "Because they don't want me to fight here. But I want to. And I will.", I declared.

"You are brave. May you survive this Revolution. God has an eye on you.", she said with a soft smile. Then she left the Café. I walked up to Feuilly and helped him with a piano. It almost hit Courfeyrac but Combeferre pushed him out of the way. My brother was a hero. Maybe not for France. But for me. He was my hero and my idol.


Enjolras fixed his flag on the barricade. Now it meant waiting. And I hated waiting. "So, before this starts. Thank you for all your support. Even if we die, it was for good.", Enjolras said. He was clearly nervous, just as I was. Then we could hear stomping. "Guys, get down.", Enjolras commanded. The stomping came to hold. "Who's there?" "French Revolution!" "FIRE!"

The firing had begun. Bullets were flying around. Bodies of my friends were falling. I haven't noticed Marius making his way up to the barricade, holding a gun barrel, treating to blow it up. Both parties stopped. "Back!", the Guard yelled. Enjolras took the torch from Marius. Marius stepped down the barricade. "My life is not yours to risk Marius!", Combeferre yelled at him. I've never seen my brother this scared before.

Then my eyes fell on Eponine.

(A/N: ooh Cliffhanger....... at least we have a barricade now. Leave your thoughts on this chapter below also, who do you think dies next??)

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