Chapter 17

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I woke up in a hospital and my mind was immediately filled with pictures of my dead friends and my dead brother. I cried. I was crying so much the past few days but I just couldn't stop. I lost my family. He was all I had left.

I didn't hear the door open but I felt arms wrapping around me. "Everything will be alright.", Courfeyracs soothing voice said. "No, it won't be. It's easy for you to say: you have a family. I don't.", I said. "But what about your parents?" "Courfeyrac, stop. Combeferre was the only one she had left. Her parents died.", Enjolras explained. Courfeyrac gulped.

"I am so sorry Aurore, I didn't know." "You remember?", I asked Enjolras. He shrugged. "I never forgot.", he said. Enjolras went to walk away but I grabbed his wrist. "Where's Combeferre?", I asked. "I don't know. But you shouldn't mourn over the death of your brother.", he said. "He's dead?", I asked, on the verge of crying, "so this wasn't just a bad dream?" I started hyperventilating.


"Pumpkin, are you alright?" "Combeferre?" "No, it's Jehan.", he said. "Combeferre used to call me pumpkin.", I said, "I can't believe that he's dead." "Hey, don't mourn about him now. You should get better first. They removed two bullets, one from your stomach and one from your leg.", he said.

"Where's Combeferre? Where did they take his body? Is it still there?", I asked. "No, he's not there. Actually after he has been shot, his body had gone missing.", Jehan explained. "What do you mean by that? Does that mean you literally lost the corpse of my brother?", I asked, my sadness slowly changing to anger.

I knew that Combeferre knew how bad my temper was. But I was slowly losing it. And I didn't know how to overcome it myself. So I did what he told me all those years: taking a very deep breath. "Listen, so many of us died and we are sitting in the same boat. It must be harder for you, because you lost your family. We need each other now. Much more than before. Oh and there was something else: you'll be released soon.", Jehan said.


Jehan was right. I did get released that night. I went home. The once happy place, has turned into a nightmare. I was alone. My brother was dead. I walked to my room but then my eyes fell on the open door to Combeferre's room.

He always forbid me to step inside his room but he was dead now and I had to. I stepped inside and looked around. Old drafts and drawings I made when I was a child were hung up in his room. Tears were running down my cheeks. I had to keep my mouth shut or else I would've sobbed my heart out.

I sunk to the floor, still crying. At some point, tears didn't come anymore. My emotions were still stuck inside me. I got up from the floor and lied down in his bed. I looked at the ceiling. It was plain white, like the room itself. That's how I felt. Empty.

I eventually fell asleep in his bed. That night, I dreamed about Combeferre and I, being children and then we slowly grew up. His life was just another story. That's what historians will say about him. He was just another boy, who was foolish enough to think, that he could change France.


I was awake for hours. I could hear someone knocking on the door, probably Jehan or Courfeyrac. But I didn't feel like opening the door. I know, I was being overdramatic. But I just dealt differently with deaths in my family.

I could hear the front door opening. I could hear Jehan's and Courfeyrac's worried voices. "Aurore, where are you?", Jehan called out for me. Courfeyrac found me and immediately ran up to my side. "Jehan, she's here and she's burning up.", he said.

"What were you doing here?", he asked. "He was always saying that I wasn't allowed in here, but I just had to.", I said. "We should get you in your own bed.", Courfeyrac said. "I don't want to. Let me stay here please."

The boys did what they learned from Combeferre and somewhere, far away from home, in a hospital, Combeferre opened his eyes again.

(A/N: this book is almost over 😭 anyways, leave your thoughts below )

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