Chapter 18

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"Where am I?", his raspy voice asked. "Welcome back buddy. I dragged you here. Congrats you're alive.", Grantaire said sarcastically. "How is Aurore? Is she dead? Is she alive?", he asked. "I don't know. You were shot and I left with you.", he said.

"My Aurore. You need to find her. Please, I need to know that she's alright.", he said. Grantaire nodded and made his way to the big house they shared. It took him good 25 minutes to reach the house. "He knocked on the door, to find it open.

He saw Courfeyrac racing upstairs and he followed. He opened the door to see a pale Aurore, lying in what could only be Combeferre's bed. "Grantaire. What a surprise. You're alive." "So are you.", he said to Jehan, "How is Aurore?" "She's feverish. She's not her bubbly self anymore ever since Combeferre—.", Courfeyrac started.

"Ever since what? So what? Combeferre got shot." "This is her brother Grantaire, stop being such an asshole. She lost her family.", Jehan yelled. Grantaire shoved Jehan out of the room. I didn't know what he was going to say to him.

"Combeferre survived.", he whispered. Jehan tried running back inside to me but was held at his wrist. "No, you idiot. Don't tell her!" "Why not?", Jehan asked. "He will do it. He will be here, tonight.", Grantaire said. "How is he doing?" "The first thing he asked, was if his Aurore was alright. It was his first question. And when I couldn't give him an answer, he panicked.", Grantaire said.


I was asleep. I felt awful. Awful wasn't close enough to how I felt. I knew that Courfeyrac and Jehan were still here because I could smell some good food. But I wasn't expecting what came next:

A door was shut. Once again, silence. The door to Combeferre's room opened slowly. And there he was, the ghost of my dead brother. "Aurore, I missed you so much.", he said. "I miss you so much. I can't believe you're gone." "Aurore, take my hand.", he said. I took his hand and realization hit me.

"You're- you're alive.", I whispered. I started crying and hugged him tightly. He just held me close. Combeferre was still injured but that healed with time.

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