Chapter 12

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*TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️: mention of blood*

Days had passed since they met drunk Enjolras. Feuilly had opened his door (without any damage at the wooden door) and Enjolras was happy about it.

On the other hand, I had finally started to work. It were poor working conditions for women but it was better than nothing at all. But it also meant working for 13 hours. I got a position in a factory that was producing jewelry for the rich ones.

Every day at 5, I had started working and I would come home at 7. I had an hour break but that was it. This day wasn't any different. I came home, exhausted from work. "Aurore, I missed you.", Combeferre said. He walked over to me and hugged me. Then he noticed my fingers.

"Oh god, Aurore, what happened to your fingers? Aurore, give me an answer!", he said. Instead of giving him an answer, I fainted. "Aurore!", he yelled, in hope of an answer. I was lying on the floor. Combeferre tried shaking me awake, but no success.

In the next moment, I started coughing up blood. "Aurore, don't die here please.", he said full of worry. Tears were running down his cheek, at the sight of his little sister coughing up blood. A knock on the door rang out. Enjolras opened the door after he didn't get an answer and saw me lying on the floor.

"Help her!", Combeferre whispered. He was crying. Enjolras nodded. He lifted my head and Combeferre lifted my legs. Together they put me on the sofa. "What is happening?" "I don't know. She came home from work and as I was examining her fingers, she fainted." "Do you have anything that would help her against a poisoning?"

"Yes, why? Wait do you think my sister has been poisoned?" "It would explain why she is coughing up blood." I came back to my senses but I was still coughing. "Aurore, it's okay. I'll get you something okay?" "I can't breathe.", I said in between coughing.

"Combeferre hurry!", Enjolras yelled. Combeferre came back with what looked like tea, but wasn't. He made me drink it and the coughing stopped. "Aurore, can you breathe again?", Enjolras asked. "Yes. Thank you. What happened to me?"

"I think you were poisoned."

(A/N: I missed updating so much. School is exhausting (what a surprise) and I am drowning in studying for exams. Leave your thoughts on this chapter below )

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