Chapter 10

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"Enjolras it is then. I mean, only if you're fine with that.", Combeferre asked. "Yeah sure. Can I use my gun though?", he asked. Combeferre and I both answered. "Enjolras No/Yes, Please!"

Combeferre looked at me. "Aurore, no. Violence is never the right solution.", he said. I looked to the floor. I opened my hair from the bun I kept it in. It was unusual for a woman, to wear her hair open unless her hair wasn't that long. My hair went to my waist. So you could say that it was very long.

"Aurore, what are you doing?" "I don't feel like wearing my hair up. I prefer it naturally down.", I responded. "She's right. Let her do what she wants.", Enjolras said. We both looked at him. "What? I was just agreeing with you." "But I didn't express my opinion." "I just really like your hair down." Courfeyrac gasped. "Oh my god, Enjolras are you ill?", Joly said, running up to him. "No, Joly, I'm fine. I just complemented her on her hair. That's all."

The meeting went over fast. As expected, he was there again: Fabien LeRoux. I walked back up again. The boys looked stunned. "Aurore, what's the matter? You look so pale.", Combeferre asked. "He's here." "Who?", Courfeyrac asked. "Fabien.", I said. "Enjolras, duty calls.", Combeferre yelled over to him.
Enjolras jumped up from his seat.

He took my hand and walked down with me. "So, how about 7, my place?" "What? Enjolras?" "Play along. So, what do you say?" "Sounds good.", I said. We walked past him. He looked at us. And he followed us.

He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. "Honey, you know you shouldn't go with strangers." "Compared to you, I am barley a stranger to her.", Enjolras said. "I know more of her than you will ever do.", he said, threatening Fabien.

"I had her in my bed before. What do you say now?", he said smirking. "That's not true. I am a firm believer in sex-after-marriage." "That's not what you told me." "When was that supposed to happen?" "Two days ago." "Well that's simply not correct: she was with me." Fabien sighed and left. "Are you really a believer in that?" "Heck no, I am not. I just had to say it."

I walked a few steps ahead but I could hear Enjolras talk: "what a woman!" "I heard that!" "I didn't say anything.", he said. Clouds were forming and the first drops of rain fell to earth. Right on my head. "It's raining." "Maybe we should go back to the Café." "I don't want to. You can go back but I want to stay outside.", I said.

And I knew I had Enjolras wrapped around my little finger. He never would do something that was fun. And being outside in the rain was fun for me. "Catch me if you can, marble man!", I said while running away from him. He ran after me, laughing. Wait, laughing? I've never heard Enjolras laugh. By now the rain was getting heavier and I was soaked.

"Enjolras?", I called out for him. I didn't see him anymore. Then I felt someone spinning me around. That was clearly Enjolras. We didn't know what time it was, but it had gone dark already. "Come on, I'll take you home. Combeferre must be worried by now." "I am more worried about our kitchen.", I said laughing.

"Is he really that bad of a cook?", he asked. "Oh yes, once upon a time by beloved brother set the kitchen on fire while trying to make tea.", I said. He laughed.
He walked me to the front door of the shared house from Combeferre and me. Combeferre opened the door and he looked furious. "Where the heck have you been?" "We lost track of time. We're sorry. She was with me this whole time.", Enjolras explained.

"Alright. Thank you. And we're going to dry you up now."

(A/N: my cousins first birthday is tomorrow and I just realized that in 5 weeks, I am turning 18.... time where are you going? Leave your thoughts on this chapter below ♡)

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