Chapter 11

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I had woken up. The sun shone in my eyes and my mind was immediately flooded by last nights events. I remember how much Enjolras was laughing and how he was running after me. And how soft his touch was. Wait, what? Why would I think of his touch?

I got out of bed and got dressed into a red plain dress. It was one of my favorites. I walked down the stairs and heard Combeferre talk. Maybe Gavroche was here. But no. It wasn't Gavroche. There he was.

"Good morning Aurore, are you hungry?", Combeferre asked. "What did you make?" "Well, bread and cheese." I laughed. "Thank you Combeferre."

I sat across from Enjolras. "Why are you here again?" "I, uh locked myself out. Feuilly is going to open the door for me later.", he said , "Feuilly's a good man."
I exchanged a look with Combeferre. My assumptions were proven right. Enjolras was drunk.

"Are you drunk?", I asked. Combeferre laughed. "Maybe I am. Maybe I am not. I don't even know anymore.", Enjolras slurred. "What did you do last night?", I asked. "I joined Grantaire in this sketchy bar."

"Maybe that wasn't the best decision. What happened afterwards?", Combeferre asked. "I went home and realized that my door was locked. I tried finding my key. Then I went back to you guys.", he said.

"I think you should sleep the alcohol off.", I said. Combeferre silently agreed. I got up from where I was sitting and helped Enjolras up. Enjolras got up and almost fell. Combeferre rushed to his side and gripped his shoulder.

"I think you should lie down.", Combeferre said. It wasn't usual for Enjolras to get drunk— or to even drink. We walked into Combeferre's bedroom and put Enjolras in his bed. His eyes were almost closing. "Enjolras, no. Don't close your eyes, stay with me.", Combeferre yelled.

"Aurore, get me a bowl with cold water and a cloth. And some water for him to sober up.", Combeferre ordered. I did what he asked me for. I brought him the bowl and cloth. Then I went to the kitchen to get the glass of water for him.

Enjolras was asleep and that was good. At least, he'd finally get the rest he deserves.

(A/N: I haven't updated for so long but I had to celebrate my cousin's first birthday on Friday and my parents birthday on Saturday. Also happy birthday to Aaron Tveit (lmao he isn't going to see this anyway 😂) )

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