Chapter 3

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"I-I have to go.", Combeferre stuttered. My face fell and I turned around to face him. "But I haven't started making dinner yet.", I responded.
"I know. I won't be gone for long. Promise me to stay here.", Combeferre said.

"Why should I promise to stay here? I mean sure but why? Are you in trouble?", I asked, my voice full of concern. "No, don't worry. I just have to work a few more hours today.", he said. He was lying. I should've known better that my own brother had lied to me. But I had let him go. I didn't want to call him out on lying to me but deep down I knew that he knew what he had just done.

You see, Combeferre always told me everything and he never lied to me. Now that I think about it, maybe he did lie. What if he didn't even go to work every day, instead went to meet a woman who he secretly loved? No, stop thinking about that! My mind has gone to places that I didn't want to. "Stop thinking about it Aurore, just believe him.", I tried to convince myself.

I didn't succeed. Because I was rethinking my whole life. I never thought, Combeferre coulf lie to me. He never did. I got up from my bed and walked in the kitchen to start making dinner. (A/N: Trigger warning: mention of blood. You can skip this part if you don't feel comfortable reading it!)

During making dinner, I cut myself. The blood was oozing out of my finger and I was shocked at first. I didn't know what to do. I felt myself getting dizzy so I gripped the next chair that was in my reach. I could hear the front door open. But before I knew who it was, I fell to the ground.

(A/N: Trigger warning over!)

My eyes closed but before I closed my eyes, I could see Combeferre running up to me. "Aurore!", he shouted. I couldn't respond anymore. How can a little cut make me feel like this? Combeferre pressed something on my finger to make it stop. I felt myself coming back when all of sudden, I felt something sting. My eyes shot open and I tried sitting up. Combeferre pressed me down to the floor again. "No, don't get up. Stay there.", he said. His voice was soft, full of worry.

"Everything will be okay. Just follow my instructions though.", Combeferre said, his voice barley above a whisper. I nodded (or at least tried). "Why are you here?", I asked weakly. "The foreman was sick and told us to go home.", he lied his way out. I decided to let it be.

A knock. Combeferre looked up. Another one. "You stay here.", Combeferre said, getting up. He walked to the door and opened it. It was a man with curly hair and on his shoulders a little boy. "Gavroche needs some help and I guess I can't provide it.", the man said. "Yeah sure don't worry.", Combeferre said.

"There's someone lying on the floor.", the little boy who was Gavroche exclaimed. With that 'someone', he meant me. "That's my sister. She cut herself and fainted. She will be fine.", Combeferre explained. I slowly got up from where I was lying and turned my attention back to the stove. I really hope, I didn't overcook the noodles. (A/N: whoops sorry, my Cook-brain comes out 😂)

Combeferre came back with our guests. Thank God, that I cooked more than it was needed.

(A/N: "so to explain why Combeferre said she should stay on the floor: when a person faints, the person starts to breath slower. The person has to stay on the ground afterwards, so they can control their breathing pattern again." I know about that because that happened to me once during my internship and that's what they told me. Leave your thoughts on this chapter below )

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