Chapter 13

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Time jump: June 4th, 1832

"Aurore, please, do what I say. I won't let you fight." "'ferre please, I'm a member of Les Amis too. I have to fight.", I said. "The answer is and will be no. Do I have to lock you in?", he asked.

"No, although I can pick a lock.", I said. "Aurore, promise me. If I die, then you have to marry someone." "'ferre no, please. Don't talk about dying.", I begged. "Aurore, I have to go, the boys need help with the preparation. I'll see you tomorrow morning.", he said and then he walked out of the door.

I knew that Combeferre wanted to keep me safe. But not like this. I wasn't going to marry someone I didn't love. I loved Enjolras and no one else. I sneaked into his bedroom and picked out an outfit. I was going to fight. If he liked that or not.

I put the outfit on and realized that it was too big on me. Thank God, I found a belt inside. I made it as tight as possible. Then I looked myself in the mirror. And wow, I looked like a man. Except for......

Dang it, I forgot I had boobs. I was thinking how I could disguise my chest area. Then it hit me. I knew how to sew and I kept fabric around the house. I grabbed a piece of fabric and tied it around my chest. Then I put on the shirt and tucked it in the pants.

Now to my hair. I always wanted shorter hair but I also adored my long hair. Now I was tied. Then I decided. Hair could grow back but my brother couldn't. I went to the bathroom and was in front of the mirror. I picked up the scissors and cut the front part of my hair. After a while my hair was chopped off.

A/N: this is what her hair is supposed to look like!

I looked into the mirror and almost couldn't recognize myself anymore

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I looked into the mirror and almost couldn't recognize myself anymore. But what if Combeferre asks why I cut my hair? Oh no, I am screwed. He will find out.
I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom. I walked back into my room and took a paper and a pen. I wrote:

Dear Combeferre,
since you won't let me fight, I decided to stay with a friend. I don't want to be alone in this house. I love you, 'ferre. You will survive, I just know it.
I will see you in the morning.
Love, Aurore

Yes, I always signed my letters with a heart. I have always done it and I never thought something bad from it. I took a basket and put my clothes inside. Eponine would take me in if I told her why I was there. I took a cap from Combeferre and put it on my head. No one should see a woman with short hair. It wasn't a daily sight.


Time Jump: 5th June

I took a final look into the mirror and smiled. 'Ponine and I had the same idea. We both were going to fight. We made our way to the elephant. Then we waited.

(A/n: okay, so the Revolution starts in the next chapter and drama will start as well. Leave your thoughts on this below )

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