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I peeled my eyes open to see the end credits of the movie playing. Debby had fallen asleep snuggled up in my arms and laying her head on my chest, it hurt a little for her to be laying on me, but I didn't mind. I slowly reached my aching arm to the table beside me to check my phone. It was one in the morning, I had three text from Tyler.
"Crap." I mumbled and unlocked my phone.

Tyler: Hey, hows the date going?
Tyler: Are you guys okay?
Tyler: Text me back when you get a chance, I'm worried about you.
The last text was sent just ten minutes ago.
Josh: Hey man, sorry I missed your text. Debby and I fell asleep watching a movie. I'll probably just stay here tonight because she fell asleep on me and I don't want to wake her up. See you in the morning.
I pressed send and almost immediately got a text back.
Tyler: Okay, glad your okay. Hope you had fun tonight. See you tomorrow.
I turned my phone back off and wrapped my arms around Debby, it didn't take much longer for me to fall back asleep.
When I woke up Debby was no longer laying on me. I heard light rain hitting the roof, I gently pushed myself out of the chair, and walked to the kitchen where I saw her red hair up in a messy bun. "Good morning." She turned to face me.

"Good morning, Sunshine." She smiled. "You can have a seat if you want. I figured I'd make you something to eat before you left."

"That's very sweet of you."

"How do eggs and bacon sound?"

"Perfect." I smiled to her, she politely returned the gesture. "I was half expecting you to have left last night."

"I almost did. I didn't want to wake you up though."

"You could've woken me up, I wouldn't have minded." She plopped another egg into the pan.

"Eh, I also was enjoying the snuggles so." I shrugged and we both laughed.

A few minutes later we were sitting at her table eating. "These are really good." I complemented her food.

"Thank you. I'm a professional at cooking eggs."

"Oh really?"

"Yep. When I was younger I would help my mom make them almost every Saturday morning."

"That's really cute." I smiled.

"It was tradition." She smiled back. We ate our breakfast then I helped her clean up.

"It's been really fun, Debby. I'll see you soon?"

"For sure." We walked up to the door I opened it just as thunder roared in the sky, buckets of rain dumped from the clouds.

"Well this is unfortunate." I laughed.

"Why don't you stay? Until the rain passes at least. You won't be able to see three feet in front of you out there." I looked out to the sheets of rain and decided to take up her offer.

"Sure." I shut the door back and we sat back down on the couch. We sat in a comfortable silence and played in our phones.

"Josh?" She looked up at me.


"There's something about you..." she trailed off.


"Never mind. It's stupid." She chuckled.

"No tell me. What is it?" I smirked.

"There's just this feeling, it sorta radiates off you, I don't know. I just feel like when I'm around you, the rest of the world isn't real. I feel like I already know you so well. I feel like this was meant to be for some reason."

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