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It's been three days since my weird encounter with that Jenna girl. I think that I just made it all up. Well that is until today. "Josh, I'm leaving for yoga. I'll be back later." Tyler pushed up his glasses black glasses then went out the door.

"Okay by Tyler." I said the last part quietly so he couldn't hear. I turned on the tv but nothing came on, it was just that static screen that came up when TVs didn't get service. I flipped through the channels but all of them were the same. "That's weird." Eventually I got to a channel that was working.

"My name is Blurryface." The demon looking creature on the screen said. "You will bow to my thoughts and my presents, Josh Dun. I've defeated you, now everything you've done is coming to an end. The few, the proud, the emotional, are crying, Tyler is breaking, and you are dying."

"What the heck!" I tried to turn off the tv. The someone took the remote from me and turned it off. "Ty-"

"Nope." The blonde smiled at me.

"Jenna? How'd you get in here?"

"Magic." She wiggles her eyebrows.

"No seriously." I laughed.

"I opened the window and came in."

"Which window?" I exclaimed.

"The one in your bedroom. Don't worry, I closed it back."

"Wh-wa-what is this? Who are you? How do you keep finding me? Are you stalking me?"

"No Josh." She laughed. "I'm just here to help you."

"Help me? Help me what?"

"Wake up."

"I am awake."

"No your not. You're asleep. You've been asleep for awhile, now it's time to wake up." She walked out of the room, I got up to follow her.

"But I'm awake!" I walked into the kitchen where she was but she was gone. "What even is this?" I exclaimed. "I'm so confused!" I stormed out of the room and sat back down on the couch. I eventually feel asleep but I was woken up by Tyler.

"Hey, wake up Josh. Just go to your room." I opened my eyes and saw Tyler above me.

"Where are your glasses?" I mumbled.

"What are you talking about? I don't wear glasses." He laughed.

"Yes you do."

"No I don't, I never have."

"Yes you have. You had them on when you left the house. Why is everything so weird?" I got frustrated as I walked back to my room. I laid down in the bed then decided to get on my phone. He had glasses, I know he did. I went to my photos and scrolled to the top. There were just a bunch of black squares for the photos. No actual photos had been taken until I got to one of myself with Tyler, but he didn't have glasses on. "What is happening to me?" I sighed then rolled over and tried to get some sleep.

"Good morning star shine." I was greeted by a females voice.


"Yes Josh?" I opened my eyes and she was sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Why are you here?"

"I already told you, to wake you up."

"I'm literally awake right now."

"Yeah but you're not awake awake." She put emphasis on the first 'awake'.

"Jenna, have you ever thought about not breaking into my house?"

"No, why?" She smiled. "Come on."

"Where to?"

"Just get dressed and come with me." I got up and went to my closet.

"Could you um, like leave while I change?"

"Oh right. Of course." Jenna bounced out of my room. As soon as I finished tying my shoes she was back. "Now let's go." I followed her outside.

"Aren't you going to get in the car?" I held onto the door.

"Oh no, we are walking." She went down the sidewalk.

"Why am I following you again?"

"Because you're curious." She kept walking.

"Yeah but-"

"Just trust me." We walked in silence for awhile, just the crunching leaves under our feet.

"So what is this? What are you?"

"Not what am I Josh, who am I. And I'm your best friend, Well one of them."

"I'm pretty sure I'd remember my best friend."

"Not if you never met them." The blonde sighed.

"What do you mean?" I looked up at her.

"I mean that we need you." She turned to look at me.


"The clique. Me, Debby, and Tyler. Gosh Tyler needs you more than anything right now." Tears rimmed her eyes.

"Woah, woah, woah, don't cry. I don't understand. Who is the clique and Debby? And I'm here for Tyler, always."

"You're here for that Tyler." She pointed in the direction of my house, "Not the real one."

"Jenna I don't understand." I looked at my feet and we started walking again.

"You will. Don't worry, you will." I looked up and she was gone again. I kept walking because I knew I would just be bored at the house, I thought about what she said, the clique and Debby. Her being my best friend. "Why can't I remember?" I groaned then turned back toward the house.

"Josh?" Tyler yelled as I shut the door.


"Where did you go?" Tyler asked as I walked into the living room where he was sitting.

"Oh I just went on a walk."

"Thanks for telling me, I was getting worried." He teased.

"Whatever." I sat down across from him, "You know that I'm always here for you, right?"

"Yeah of course. Why?" He leaned in.

"No reason. Just making sure."

"We need to go to the coffee shop today to check inventory." Tyler said after a short silence.

"Okay, you want to go now?"

"Yeah that's fine." I grabbed my keys and walked out the door with him.

All the sudden I was pulling back into the driveway and it was dark outside. "Wait, we just left." I said confused.

"Yeah, four hours ago."

"But we just- you know what? Forget it." I waved off the thought. I'm tired of trying to figure things out.

"Why don't we get you to bed. I think you're sleep deprived." Tyler laughed.

"Yeah, okay." I got out of the car and into the house. I took a quick shower then got in bed. I've got to figure this out.


Ahhh sorry it's a really short chapter. I'm trying to figure out where this whole thing is headed. It probably won't be that long of a book tbh.

~ Peteywentzy

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