The Josephs

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A few days later

"Josh, do you want something for lunch?" Debby asked from the kitchen.

"No, I'm not really hungry."

"You have to eat something." She peered around the door frame.

"I will. Eventually, I promise."

"Okay." She sighed. I haven't had much of an appetite lately, and anything I eat I can rarely keep down. Debby walked into the living room and sat beside me with her usual peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"I should go shower."

"Yeah, you should probably shave too." She ran her hand over the slight stubble on my face.

"Probably." I laughed then stood up.

"Do you need my help?" I haven't showered by myself yet, I felt like I could, but Debby didn't believe me.

"Nope, I'm good."

"You're sure?"

"One hundred percent."

"Okay, but if you aren't back in twenty minutes I'm going back there."

"Okay, but I'll be fine." I kissed her head then left the room. I used the wall to steady myself as I walked to the bedroom then got my stuff and went to the bathroom. Looking at my fading red hair in the mirror I mumbled to myself, "I need to fix this." I ran my fingers through my hair with a sigh.

I quickly shaved my face and started my shower playlist on my phone. If you don't have a playlist specifically for showering, then what are you even doing with your life? I spent most of my time staring off into space and just trying to stay standing in the shower. Eventually I cut off the water and stopped my music. I barley dried off before I just gave up and got dressed so that I could sit down. I threw my shirt over my shoulder and staggered into the living room.

"Woah, hot guy alert." Debby giggled when she saw me.

"Oh shut it." I laughed then lowered myself down beside her with a huff.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just still regaining my strength I guess. Can we go out soon? I want to get out of the house."

"Sure. What do you want to do?"

"I don't care." I shrugged.

"Umm... wellll, oh! Give me just a second." She pulled out her phone and quickly typed something. "Joshua Dun, you are still damp." She wiped off the water droplets from my shoulder then laid over on it.

"Sorry." I chuckled. Her phone dinged and she picked it up.

"We are going to go over to Tyler and Jenna's tonight if that's okay."

"Sure!" I smiled. "We should've asked them if they wanted to go out to eat with us then hang out."

"Well I did, but Jenna insisted that she cooked for us."

"Oh I love Jenna's food." My smile grew wider.

"Me too." Debby continued to lay on me and we watched tv for a while.

When five o'clock rolled around, Debby got up to get ready. I already had on joggers and a sweatshirt so I just put on one of my snap backs and my tennis shoes. "Are you ready?" Debby asked as she pulled her ponytail through the back of her hat.


"Okay. I'm going to grab my stuff and I'll meet you at the car." She walked away. I got up and got to the door, slowly but surely. Very soon after me, Debby came out the door and we were on our way to the Joseph's. I'm sure I've been there plenty of times, but I can't remember it to save my life. This is the first thing that I've really had no memory of.

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