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After Debby and I feel asleep, I've just been in and out of it for the past two or so days. They were worried about me for awhile, until today.

I woke up to Jenna, Tyler, and Debby sitting around my bed. The clock read '9:30' "Good morning."

"Good morning." Jenna said and everyone looked up from their phones. They all simultaneously put their phones under the right leg and turned their attention to me.

"Do you remember anything?" Debby got to ask me for the first time.

"Most things, yeah. I remember you, and Tyler, and Jenna, the clique, most of my family I think. I remember the important things."

"Good." She looked at me then leaned in and kissed me. That was worth waking up for. She pulled away slowly.

"That's the most alive I've felt in awhile." I chuckled.

"Same here." She sat back down.

"Ew." Tyler whined.

"Oh shut up, Ty. They are adorable." Jenna smiled.

I noticed my phone on the table beside me, I reached over and grabbed it. I had multiple notifications from Twitter and Instagram.

Tyler Joseph mentioned you in a tweet.

Twenty Øne Pilots mentioned you in a post.

I glanced over all the notifications then unlocked my phone. "Tyler Joseph has mentioned me in a lot of Tweets." I glanced up at him, he looked down quickly. I went to Twitter first, obviously. Tyler has been updating the clique on my condition this whole time. He hadn't, however, told them I woke up. I drafted out my tweet.

"I'm back guys. Thanks for caring so much and taking care of Tyler. Stay safe, stay street, and stay alive |-/" I pressed send and watched how hundreds of people responded within seconds.

I set my phone down and laid back, "I did it." I whispered.

"Josh Dun mentioned me in a tweet." Tyler picked up his phone after it buzzed.

"Did what, sweet?" Debby asked.

"I woke up." I smiled.

"Yes you did, and we've never been prouder." Jenna added.
After five more days of hanging out in the hospital room, picking at hospital food, and short (nurse assisted) walks down the hall, I was given permission to go home. I finished getting dressed and slipped on my shoes.

"Are you ready? Do you have any questions?" My doctor, who's name I learned was Doctor Cooper, asked.

"No, I think I'm good." I pushed myself off the bed and started to walk, barley stumbling after one step.

"Here." He held out his arm. "Let me help you."

"I'm okay, you have other patients to attend to." I tried to wave him off.

"But I'm here for you right now. The others know I'll be there eventually, and there are hundreds of other doctors in this hospital, if something bad happened, I'm sure someone will be able to handle it." I grabbed his hand and he guided me out the door, there was a nurse with a wheelchair standing outside of my room. "There you go, Josh." He helped me sit down. "If you need anything, just call."

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