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It's been four hours. Tyler is no where in sight, I've called him and texted him, but he still hasn't answered. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. If this is my world and I want him here, why isn't he here? "Josh." Jenna ran into the living room with tear stains cheeks.

"What? What's wrong?" I stood up.

"It's Tyler." I ran out the back door and followed her into the woods to the small boys body.

"Oh my gosh." I picked up his small frame.

"Tyler, wake up Tyler!" I shook my lifeless friend. "Jenna call an ambulance."

"I've got it." Debby pulled out her phone as she held Jenna's head against her shoulder while Jenna cried.

"You are dying, dummy. Wake up!" I held his head against my chest. "You can't leave me. You-you can't leave your fiancé. You can't leave the clique or Debby or your family."

"Why isn't he waking up? I want him to wake up." Jenna put her hand on my shoulder.
"I'm tired,
of tending to this fire
I've used up all I've collected
I have singed my hands." I started singing.
"It's glowing embers barley showing
Proof of life in the shadows
Dancing on my plans."

I sang the entire song to him. Jenna had fallen asleep crying, laying on Tyler chest. I don't know what I was singing, but it just came to me.

"Josh." Someone shook me.


"Josh wake up." I heard Tyler's voice. I sat up quickly. I was laying in my bed. Jenna was gone and Tyler was fine now.

"Tyler!" I pulled him down into a hug.

"Josh I've been looking everywhere for you. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm great." I pulled away, smiling.

"Good, come on we have to get to Screamin' Beans and Steamin' Mugs."

"Oh, right." I loosened my grip on him and followed him out the door. We arrived shortly after 6:30 and went in the coffee shop.

"Mark can't come in today. Do you want to cover for him, or do you want me to?"

"I can do it." I put on an apron.

"Alright, I'll be in my office if you need me."

"Okay." I waved him off and soon started serving during our morning rush hour. When things started to slow down I noticed Jenna walk through the door.

"Hi, Josh." She smiled.

"Hey Jenna."

"How are you liking the hair?" She held in her laughter.

"I think it's pretty sick." I smirked curiously at her.

"Have you looked at it lately?"

"No why?"

"Just go." She laughed and I walked around the corner into the bathroom.

"No way." I ran back into the room.

"Yes way." She smiled at my bright red hair.

"When did this even happen? It wasn't like this this morning. It was just that same reddish black shade."

"I guess everything is coming together. Which is good."

"Josh please wake up." A voice sounding like Tyler's rang through my head. "I need you." He cried.

"Ah." I covered my ears and tried to stop the noise.

"What? What's wrong?" Jenna walked around to me.

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