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I turned the TV off and looked down at my sleeping friend, still in the floor. I picked him up and carried him back to his room. When I got into my room Jenna was there waiting for me. "What's up, Jen?"

"Not a lot. Did you have fun tonight?"

"Yeah. I did." I smiled.


"I think we are making progress."

"I agree. Do you think you know when he'll be able to always see me?" She looked at me hopefully.

"I'm not sure, but he's noticed that someone is present within two days, I'd say in the next week at the most you'll be able to meet him."


"Yeah. I'll try for sooner, but I can't promise anything." I sat beside her.

"Thank you." She hugged me.

"You're welcome." I pulled away and she was gone. I slipped into my pajamas and crawled into bed for the night.

"Good morning." Debby opened her door.

"Good morning." I smiled back and entered the house. "How's it going?"

"Pretty good. And for you?"

"I'll have to say the same, everything is going well."

"Good." We sat on the couch. "So, you know how we were talking about the whole me becoming an actress thing a few days ago?"


"Well I have auditions for a new show next week." She said excitedly.

"That's so awesome!" I hugged her. "What's it about?"

"A girl who is going to be a nanny for some kids in New York." (Wow I loved Jessie)

"That sounds kinda cool."

"I'm really excited."

"I'm sure you will do fantastic."

"I hope so." She smiled, "So maybe if everything goes well, you'll be helping me learn lines in a few weeks."

"I'm looking forward to it."

"Yay. I'll be right back." She left the room and Jenna appeared.

"Hey, Jen."

"How's it going?" She asked.

"Very well."

"Good!" She glanced up behind me, "I'll talk to you later?" I nodded as Debby walked back in the room.

"Okay. So last time you came over we watched my favorite movie, so I think today we should watch yours."

"Fair enough." I thought for a minute, "Well I really like Fight Club but I just watched it last night, so what about The Breakfast Club?"

"Oh I love that one!" Debby pulled up Netflix on her tv and we sat back and watched the movie.

"It's been three weeks." Tyler's voice sounded weak through my head.

"Just give him time." Jenna said.

"But what if he never wakes up?" Debby added. I tried to ignore the voices, but there was no getting rid of them one they started.

"He will Debby, I know he will." Jenna tried to lift the two up with her words.

"She's right Jen, maybe it's time-" Tyler was cut off by Jenna.

"No way. I have been one of his best friends since middle school, and I am NOT giving up on him. He has to wake up because a world without Josh isn't a world worth living in to me." I could hear her voice breaking. Every time I hear them she's always the strong one, the one trying to keep Debby and Tyler from giving up maybe she just can't take it anymore.

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