Giving Up

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I laid back down, then it hit. I couldn't breath.

"Jenna!" I choked out. "Jenna." My breaths were short.

"What? What's wrong?" She panicked and stumbled into my room.

"I can't breath."

"W-Why? What can I do?"

"I don't know." I heaved, "My lungs feel like their on fire, I can't move."

"Oh my gosh. No no no no." She walked over to me. "This can't be happening." There were tears brimming her eyes. "Please just breathe. Please please." She grabbed my hand. I tried to control my breathing. My lungs burned with every breath, my throat was dry and stung as air tried to travel to my lungs.

"What's happening?"

"They are letting you go." Jenna sobbed.

"I can't. I can't go." I cried. "I have to be there for Tyler, for-for Debby, oh gosh Jenna, I have to be there for you."

"Come on, Josh." Tyler whispered.

"I'm trying Tyler, I'm trying." I said aloud though the voice was in my head.

"He's still not breathing." I heard a mans voice say.

"He'll do it." Debby said. I felt a person grab my hand.

"Jenna, I can't do it." I felt suffocated.

"Yes you can! You have to!" She yelled.

I squeezed my eyes shut. "He's flat lining." The same man said.

"No, no, no, come on Josh." Tyler cried. My lungs were filling with fire and every time I breathed out I wished for the pain to stop.

"Help me." I cried.

"He's gone Tyler." The man said. I couldn't breath anymore. The burning stopped and the panic for oxygen set in, I felt my heart stop.

"No!" I felt someone grab my chest, though no one was here except Jenna. I felt warmth around me, like I was being hugged. Then I felt it, my lungs expand and relax, my heart went back to the same rhythm. I sat up as I gasped for air.

"Josh?" Jenna let go of my hand.

"He's breathing! I felt it, I felt his heart. He's alive." Tylers excitement was uplifting, I heard a beep start again in the back of my head.

"Thank God." Debby cried.

"Jenna!" I heard a door open. "He did it, he's breathing." Tyler shared the news. Then their voices stopped and it was just me and this Jenna again.

"What just happened?" Jenna's voice was just a little bit calmer.

"I think I just died. I think they were going to make me breath on my own which is why my throat is so dry, they pulled the tube out." I was shaking, but my breath was steadying. Jenna tackled me with a hug.

"You can't die yet."

"Don't worry, I will always fight for you guys." I held her head on my chest.

"Get some rest. I'm going to stay here for the night." She sat down in my floor.

"If you're doing that you're not sleeping in the floor, here." I scooted over in my twin sized bed.

"That's crazy Josh, we aren't both going to fit."

"Sure we will. Come on." She finally went with it and rested down beside me. "Goodnight, Jenna."

"Goodnight, Josh."

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