Wake up?

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"Hey hey! Can I get a nurse in here." Tyler yelled.

"What's going on?" A sweet voice asked.

"He moved. I saw it. He-he moved and he said something." I felt someone start pulling up my eyelids. I couldn't see. I couldn't move. But I could feel and hear.

"Tyler, there is no need to panic." The sweet voice said, "don't get too excited, but I think he may be waking up."

"No way." Tyler muttered.

"It still might be awhile. But his brain activity did spike, his eyes have shown a little more response to the lights too."

"That's amazing. Thank you."

"Let me know if anything else happens."

"I will." It was silent for a moment then I felt Tyler grab my hand, "Jenna, bring Debby to the hospital. Josh is waking up." I felt a warm drop which I could only assume was a tear hit my hand. "Yes, really." He squeezes my hand. For awhile it was quiet then I heard people start talking again.

"Tyler?" It was Jenna's voice.

"He moved and said something. I'm not sure what he said exactly, but it sounded a lot like Debby." Tyler let go of my hand and a much softer, smaller hand grabbed it.

"Josh, if you can hear us. Please tell me." A girl said. I tried hard to open my eyes, but they felt glued shut. I squeezed my hand as hard as I possibly could instead. "Did you all see that?" The girl gasped.

"Yeah, yeah I did." Tyler sounded happy. "Debby, he's going to be okay."

"I know he is." Debby's lips pressed into my hand. It sparked something in me, I need to wake up, now.

"Tyler, go home. Get some rest, eat something, we will stay for awhile." Jenna said.

"No way. I'm not leaving him."

"Please Tyler. He wouldn't want to see you like this. No offense but you look really bad. You've been here for two weeks, you only left once and it's because the doctors wanted to give you a mental evaluation. Please rest." Debby argued.

"Okay, but I'm coming back tomorrow." I heard keys jingle and the door shut. I laid in the darkness for what felt like forever before I heard Jenna's voice again.

"Debby are you awake?" She waited a moment and there was no response. "Josh, I don't know if you can still hear me, but you have to wake up. We aren't going to make it without you. I've never seen Tyler or Debby or even myself in worse condition than we are right now. We need you. The clique is worried. We are worried. Please wake up."

"Josh, are you okay?" Tyler was kneeling beside me with the red headed girl beside him.

"Y-Yeah. I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. Are you really okay?" The girl held her hair out of her face.

"I think so." I stood up and brushed myself off. "You must be Debby." I held out my hand.

"How did you know her name?" Tyler asked.

"Wild guess." I shook hands with the girl who I had seen before, but never met. The real Josh is lucky if he's dating her. She's gorgeous. Red shining hair, pink glossy lips, big brown eyes, what seemed to be a caring personality, what more could a guy ask for?

"Well it was very nice to meet you Josh."
"Hi, I'm Josh." I held out my hand to the girl sitting at the lunch table.

"Hello Josh. I'm Debby." She shook my hand.

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