Almost There

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**Back to Josh pov**

It's been two more weeks in my time. I don't know how long it's been in the real world. I'm so close to waking up, I can feel it. I've heard them a lot more, everyone here is becoming more and more like the people they really are. Tyler has more tattoos, he is constantly writing new music. We've played so many small shows around town too. Jenna and Debby are around so much too. Everything is coming together.

"I have to go to set now. I'll see you later." Debby kisses my cheek before leaving.

"Bye." Jenna and Tyler were out, so I had the house to myself for awhile.

"You're so close but, I won't let you win." A deep voice crackled.

"Blurryface, could you not? This is working. I'm going back to help Tyler and there's nothing you can do about it." I picked up my glass and took it to the kitchen.

"I'm in charge here."

"But this is my mind. I pick what happens."

"Do you? If you pick what happens then why isn't this world like your real world. Why aren't you touring? So successful like you are in the real world?"

"I don't know."

"Because you don't like that life. You don't remember because you don't want to. You don't like the attention. Attention gives you anxiety, remember? Standing on a stage with one other person in a room full of thousands of people listening to you. If that isn't the definition of an anxiety attack for you, I don't know what is."

"That's not what this is about. I'm going back for Tyler."

"Tyler is as good as dead. He has no more hope."

"Shut the hell up. You are such a jerk."

"That's kinda the point, I'm literally everything bad about Tyler wrapped into one." He mocked.

"You wanna fight? Argue? Make me mad? Do it, but at least show up so I can punch you when you piss me off." There was no answer. "Yeah, that's what I thought." I threw myself onto the couch with a sigh. "Almost there." I smiled to myself. Then I felt something, like a poke in my arm. "Ow." I looked down but nothing had happened. Then I realized what was happening, they are just drawing blood. I sighed with relief. I felt my arm get cold. I hate this feeling, I took a few deep breaths then I felt the flow stop. The warmth in my arm returned slowly but, I stayed on the couch awhile longer because I didn't know if I would be weak from it or not.

Eventually I got up and got took a shower. My pain has eased a little bit. I don't know if they are medicating me or if I'm really getting better, but either way I like it. I washed off my face then hopped out of the shower. I looked in the mirror my red hair slowly has become more pink. Something feels like it's missing. I thought about what it could be while
I got dressed. I ran to my phone and called Jenna.

"Hello?" She answered in between laughs.

"Hey. You sound like you're having fun." I jumped onto my bed.

"We are. What's up?"

"I was wondering if there's anything else that is different about me physically? I feel like somethings missing."

"Not that I can think of... oh! You have a nose ring."


"Yeah. And you have glasses but you usually just wear contacts so don't worry about that."

"Okay. I'll see you later. I'm assuming I have a hoop, is it silver or gold?"

"Silver. Are you seriously about to go get your nose pierced?"

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