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The past few days couldn't be going better for everyone around me, I however, have not been doing well. Jenna and Tyler are hanging out a lot, they even officially became boyfriend and girlfriend. Tyler has also been writing more songs and showing them to me. Debby got the lead roll in her show and I've been helping her learn her lines when she's not at work.

Now for the bad part, everyday I get more out of shape physically, and nothing helps. My body aches and my head pounds from the constant visits from Blurryface, Tyler, Jenna, and Debby. I haven't had anymore major episodes besides yesterday, I felt like I couldn't breath again, the burning returned to my lungs but, this was a much shorter time, I never actually stopped breathing either.

"Josh, snap out of it." Jenna snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry." I shook my head, "When did you get here?"

"Just now."

"How was your date with Tyler?"

"It was good." She sat down beside me. "How are you?"

"Not doing great." I stood up with a groan.

"I'm s-"

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault. I never want you to apologize to me for something that you can't control."

"Okay." She sat silently on my bed.

"Have you heard from Debby lately?"

"Yeah. I just got off the phone with her awhile ago, she's on set, she should be done by nine, we were going to hangout for a bit."

"Good, good, that's perfect." I looked through my drawers in search for my sketch book.

"Yeah." I finally found it and pulled it out of my stack of books, I grabbed a few pencils and started sketching an outline of me and Tyler playing a show. He was sitting on top of his piano singing and, I, of course, was playing the drums. Across the stage. "What are you drawing?"

"Me and Tyler."

"Again?" She looked over curiously.

"Yeah. I think I should ask him to play a song with me."


"Maybe. I'm only getting in worse shape, so it's probably better to do it now than to wait until I can barely move."

"That makes sense." She agreed.

"I know it does, that's why I said it." I chuckled, but didn't look up from my drawing.

"Right." She smiled. "I'll see you later." Just like that, the blonde was gone. I finished drawing, I even added bits of color. I put Tyler and I both in yellow jackets and the lights behind us were red.

"Josh." Tyler knocked on my door. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." I closed the drawing and turned to my friend.

"Um." He awkwardly sat on the edge of my bed. "We need to talk."

"About what?"

"About you."

"What about me?"

"Josh, you worry me. Your-your behavior is... different."


"Just," He sighed, "just tell me what's going on."

"The truth?" I tested.

"Please." He looked down.

"The truth is this isn't real. You aren't real, I'm not real, Jenna isn't real, Debby isn't real, Screamin' Beans and Steamin' Mugs isn't real, this world ISN'T REAL."

"What do you mean? Of course it's real." His voice remand soft almost like he knew, but was trying to convince himself otherwise.

"No it's not Tyler!" I laughed. "This isn't what we are supposed to be! We are both supposed to be married, in a band, traveling the world! Not here in a boring town working in a coffee shop!"

"Josh, this is real. This is our truth."

"You don't understand, no one understands." I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly. I rush of emotion came over me, no one knows how I feel. I control everything here. They don't know. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Tyler hug me.

"I know."

"You-wait you what?"

"I know. This isn't real. Jenna told me everything, I know."

"Thank you." I looked up at Jenna who had appeared in the room. "If you knew, why didn't you just tell me?"

"I didn't want to believe it. I'm having to understand that I'm not real. I don't really exist." He looked down.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"It's fine. How are we going to get you to wake up?"

"I don't know. Jenna?" We both looked up at the girl.

"Well you could play music together like you suggested earlier."

"What do you think?" I looked at Tyler.

"Can't hurt, can it?" He stood up then grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Let's do it." We walked through the house back to a small room that only had my drums in it but, when we opened the door this time there was more. A ukulele and bass hung in the wall, a microphone was standing next to it, my drums where behind it. They were also different, they were yellow instead of black. "When did you get all this stuff?"

"I didn't. I got drums awhile back, but all this is new." I ran my hand over the strings on the bass.

"Well, what do you want to play?" Tyler asked.

"What's your favorite, Jenna?"

"I really like House of Gold." She sat down on the floor in front of us.

"House of Gold?" Tyler thought for a moment then reached for his uke. He played a few chords and I sat down behind my drums the rest happened so naturally. Tyler's voice was amazing, and for never technically playing the uke, he did great. "That was," he thought for a minute, "freeing." He smiled at me.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"You sound perfect." Jenna smiled.

"Thanks love." Tyler grinned.

"You want to play another one?" I stretched my arms a bit.

"Sure. What about Jumpsuit?" He set down his small instrument and picked up the much larger bass.

"Sounds good." Tyler started the first few chords on his bass then I joined him.

"Cover me!" He screamed.

"Love that one." I set my drumsticks down and fought my breath.

"It's a crowd pleaser for sure." Jenna stood up. "Let's go eat." She walked over to Tyler.

"Okay. Josh, let's go man." He pulled me up and we all made our way to the kitchen.

"Pb and j for everyone!" Jenna cheered and started on our sandwiches.

"Yay!" Tyler and I mocked her enthusiasm then burst into laughter.

"Whatever guys, they are great."

"Can't argue with that." I nodded.

~ Peteywentzy

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