Blurry What Now

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I woke up Friday morning and followed the same morning routine which eventually landed me in Screamin' Beans and Steamin' Mugs to work. I was sitting at my desk, tapping my fingers to make some beat, when I heard him again.

"Joshua Dun." The radio came on. "You are almost gone." The deep voice cackled. "Jenna can't help you, everyone is leaving, and Tyler is on the edge."

"Who are you?" I mumbled and picked up the radio which was really hot to the touch.

"Blurryface, that's where you're wrong. I'm here, I'm helping." Jenna appeared out of no where.

"Whatever you say Mrs. Joseph." Jenna and I exchanged glances, "You are merely a figment of Joshua's imagination."

"My name is Josh." I whispered.

"Oh sorry, I forgot. Josh." The voice mocked.

"Get out of here Blurry." Jenna picked up the radio and tossed it at me, the temperature of it had gone back down to normal already.

"What the heck was that?" I sat back in my chair.

"That's Blurryface." Jenna sat in my desk.

"What's a Blurryface?"

"Not what, who."

"Sorry. Who's Blurryface?"

"The demon lookin' thing that was on your tv the other day." Jenna retorted.

"Geez with the sass." I lifted my arms up in surrender.

"Sorry, we are just running out of time." She pulled her hair back out of her face. "We have to wake you up."

"But I-"

"No you're not."

"Can you explain?"

"Not really."

"How are you here?"

"You brought me here."

"How did I do that?"

"Brains are crazy, man." She hopped off my desk. "Is that all?"

"I think so."

"Okay good. How are we going to do this?"

"I don't even know what's going on." I shrugged.

"We could- well no... what if I, eh probably not. Oh! I could do that. Yeah, yeah that'll work." She turned and smiled at me.


"You are about to be flipped upside down, Dun. I'll be back when you get off work."

"Okay." I've gotten use to the whole disappearing act she has, so I just returned to my laptop and patting out the beat on my desk.

At five o'clock I shut my laptop and went to Tyler's office. "Hey Tyler?"

"Yeah?" The boy with the buttoned up collar looked at me.

"I'm going to walk around town for a bit, I'll be home later though."

"Okay, be home by dinner, we are having spinach wraps." He smiled then looked back down to his papers.

"I will." I closed his door behind me. "Ah!"

"Sorry." Jenna blushed. "Let's go." She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the little brick building. "Okay, so I'm going to introduce you to some new stuff today." She lead me around downtown until we got to a record and cd store. "Here we are."

"I already know about records though."

"Not the ones you need to know about." She pulled me to the section labeled "rock and roll/alternative" "Okay, who do you like? Oh! Here." She handed me a disc that said Switchfoot then one that said blink-182. Eventually I was holding a stack of cds of band I had never heard of. I went to the front desk and bought them all. "Okay." She drug me out of the store, "Your homework for tonight is to go home and listen to as many of these cds as you can. Can you do that?"

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