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**same as Tylers chapter, but Jenna this time and Debby will be next**
Trigger warning ED, self harm
Jenna pov

After the accident I spent most of my time with Debby. I know that I needed to be there for Tyler, but I know he'd rather be left alone right now. Josh was our best friend, and now we just have to watch him sleep all day. "Hey Debby?" I knocked on her door.

"You can come in." I opened the door to see her wrapped up in one of Josh's sweatshirts, laying in bed.

"Do you want to go to the hospital today?"

"We can If you want. I just hate seeing him lay there, he's so lifeless. We should probably check on Tyler though."

"Yeah, probably." I laid down in the bed next to her.

"Have you talked to him much?"

"Not really. I don't think he wants to talk to me."

"Of course he does, you're his wife."

"Debby, did you see how he acted? He doesn't want me around right now, he wants his best friend."

"What even happened with you two? I never got the full story, just what Mark told me before I got in the ambulance."

"Before Josh got hurt, Tyler was sitting behind his piano so the crowd couldn't see him. He looked a little sick so Brad walked him off the side of the stage and Ty ended up passing out from dehydration."

"We should've made them both drink more water." Debby chuckled.

"Very true." I also let out a small laugh, "When Tyler woke up, He was supposed to be with Josh, but instead Josh was by himself so Ty could rest before the next song. When Josh got hurt, I held Tyler back from running out to him so Tyler wouldn't get hurt. He pulled away from me after yelling some pretty harsh things and ended up knocking me out. When I woke up Tyler was crying beside me and Mark was with us."

"That's why I didn't see you before I got in the ambulance with Josh."

"Exactly." Debby nodded as I kept going, "So Tyler hasn't really spoken to me since then other than apologizing, but I've told him a million times that it was fine, that I accepted his apology."

"So you think he's upset with you because he thinks you haven't forgiven him?"

"Yeah." I sighed.

"What did he say? If you don't mind me asking."

"Let's just say something along the lines of 'Let the frick go of me let me help him. I hate you Jenna. This is why he like me more than you, I'm trying to help him and you are holding me back. You are such a bit-'" I ranted.

"Okay, Okay I understand." She cut me off. "What if I try to talk to him?"

"That would be great actually. I know it was all in the moment stuff and he didn't mean it."

"Okay, let's go then." She patted my leg then left for the car. The drive was quite, the sun was shining brightly in the sky when we pulled into the parking lot. We had the route to Josh's room memorized, we walk in the door and go down hall A, take the second left down to the end of the hall, take the elevator up to the floor with all the coma patients, (floor six) second room on the left. The door was open so we walked straight into the room. "Hey Tyler." Debby walked over to the man staring blankly at Josh.

"Hmm?" His voice was quite.

"Can we go talk?"

"I can't leave him."

"He'll be okay. Jenna will stay here with him." Tyler glanced at me and for just a second I saw his eyes light up, like they did every time he saw me before the accident.

"Okay." He slowly got up and walked out of the room with Debby. I took his seat next to our friend and grabbed Josh's hand.

"I really need you. I'm trying to be strong for you. You have to fight for me though, okay?" I kissed his hand then waited for Tyler and Debby to come back. After an hour passed I finally saw Debby walk in the room with a smile on her face Tyler was behind her with the same tired look. He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm so, so, so sorry, Jen." He kissed my shoulder.

"It's okay." I smiled as he laid on my shoulder. Debby took a seat on the edge of Josh's bed. "Go try to eat something while we are here, okay?" Tyler just nodded his head and left the room.

"He's not doing good, Jen." Debby watched as the man shuffled down the hall.

"Who? Tyler?"

"Yeah." She whipped her head toward me. "He's tiny, he use to be so built but earlier when I hugged him...." her voice trailed off. "It felt almost as bad as it did when we were in high school."

"He's not eating?" I remember in high school when Tyler was anorexic. He was just skin and bones, barley anything on him. In our group of friends we've healed from a lot, somethings took longer than others to fix, and that was definitely one of those things.

"No, and um." She got choked up, "He-he's self harming again." My heart stopped. The love of my life was hurting himself over something that was out of his control, out of my control.

"Josh," I whispered, "you have to wake up. You have to wake up because I need you and Tyler needs you and Debby needs you. I don't know if you can hear me but you have to wake up." Debby was crying now, I couldn't imagine being in her shoes, I couldn't imagine it being Tyler here. "Do you want sometime alone with him?" My voice was still quite.

"If you are okay with it, yeah." I got up and hugged her before leaving the room, I shut the door behind me and waited for Tyler. Eventually he strolled around the corner, his black hat covered his face and yellow sweatshirt swallowing his small frame.

"Hey." I smiled at him.

"Hi." He sat down beside me.

"Why don't you go home today? I can stay here for a night or two."

"I'm fine. I can-"

"Tyler," I stopped him, "please? You can sleep in a real bed instead of a chair. You can relax even if it's just for one night. Talk to Debby. Eat something that isn't hospital food."

"I don't want you to have to stay. I don't mind to stay, I'll be fine."

"Please?" I asked one more time, "We all need you to rest. Maybe tweet something to let the clique know that YOU are okay."

"They don't care if I'm okay right now. They want to know about Josh, if he has improved, and I don't blame them."

"Tyler, Debby and I get hundreds of messages on Twitter and Instagram asking if you are okay. They are worried about Josh but, they know you. They know how you would respond to this. They want you to be okay. So please rest." He thought for a moment.

"Fine. Only one night though."

"Thank you." I smiled to him. He continued to look down. I put my hand under his chin and lifted it slightly, laying a soft kiss on his lips. I pulled away and a small smile covered his face. "I love you, so much Tyler."

"I love you too." He grabbed my hand and we waited for Debby.

____present day. Still Jen pov

"Tyler just texted me." I sat across from Debby.

"What did he say?"

"Josh moves a few times last night while I was talking to him, he even grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I ended up getting a full nights sleep for the first time in awhile, even ate some breakfast this morning. Thinking things are looking up a bit. Come by if you want." I looked up to Debby who was smiling ear to ear.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go see them." She pulled me out of the seat and we left for the hospital.


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