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Trigger warning mentions of SH and ED

"Josh?" I heard a gentle voice say. It sounded real, so real.

"Hmm?" I moaned.

"Oh my gosh." Tyler whispered.

"Josh can you hear me?" Debby's soft voice asked me another question.

My throat was too dry to talk. I tried opening my eyes but the felt weighted down. I felt the bed under me. I did it. I woke up. I finally opened my eyes and looked around the bright room. I was in a hospital room, Jenna and Debby standing on one side of me and Tyler at the foot of the bed. Tyler raised his hand to his mouth and cried. Debby leaned to me and hugged me tight it hurt, but not a single inch of me cared. "Do you want some water, Mr. Dun?" A polite nurse asked from the otherwise of the bed. I nodded and she came back soon with a cup of water. I held the cup up to my mouth, it felt like it weighed a ton, but I eventually drank it.

"I can't believe it." Debby shook her head.

"What?" I whispered and closed my eyes again.

"I can't believe you are actually here. I- I came so close to giving up." She started crying, "I'm so sorry."

"Okay." I whispered and kissed her hand.

"Maybe you all should go so Mr. Dun can rest for a moment." The nurse said quietly with a smile.

"He's been resting for four months." Tyler teased and wiped away his tears, making me chuckle slightly. I slipped back out of consciousness.

"Mr. Dun?" A nurse asked when my eyes fluttered open, I looked over to her. "Can you talk to me? Tell me if there's anything I can get you."

"No, I'm okay." It took me awhile to assemble the words to form my first full sentence.

"Okay." She smiled.

"How long?"

"How long what?" She asked, "Have you been in a coma?"

I shook my head, everything is fuzzy and confusing, "When I woke up?"

"How long has it been since you woke up?"


"You woke up yesterday and have been in and out since then."

"Okay. I want to stay."

"You will, honey. Soon you will." I closed my eyes while she was talking.

I woke up much more alert than I have been any other time. I looked out he window and saw the sky was bright with reds and yellows and oranges. The clock on the wall read '6:45 a.m.' "Good morning." I nodded to the nurse who walked in the door.

"Good morning." She smiled, it was the same one who's been here.

"Your name?" I asked nicely with what little words I could think of at the moment.

"I'm Katie." She was clearly surprised by my alertness. "Mr. Dun-"

"Josh." I corrected.

"Josh, can I bring the doctors in to talk to you?"


"Mr. Dun-" the doctor started.

"Please, Josh." I said for the second time.

"Okay. Josh, how do you feel?"

"Good. Um my chest hurts when I breath, my head is hurting, I feel weak, but I feel good." Everything was moving slow, I couldn't process thing nearly as fast as usual.

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