I sit with one arm around Kasey and the other around Krissy. Two really hot, platinum blond sisters. They both have thick, straight hair, big, vivid green eyes with long, thick lashes, thick, red lips and curves in all the right places. Even though school ended a while ago, I stay in the building after classes end to hang out. I admit I mostly hang out with girls. “Hey John,” one guy passing by shouts smirking. I look over to see who’s calling me. “Isn’t one girlfriend enough?” he asks laughing. “Aw go fuck yourself!” I shout at him laughing. “Ooh! Language!” Kasey shouts covering my mouth. I know these people are joking around because I’m well-liked. I have tons of friends and lots of girls have a crush on me. Everyone in this school likes me. Even the mean kids. I enjoy this.
I spend the rest of my afternoon with Kasey and Krissy until they leave. I take a drink of water from the fountain and go out the school’s front door really to walk home. As I start walking, I remember the huge science project that’s due that Friday. As much as I hate homework, I’m already failing science with a D. I head back to my locker and a rush of nausea comes over me almost knocking me down. I try to walk it off but my stomach is flipping like crazy. I run to the nearest garbage and yurk while coughing loudly. I pull my head out of the garbage to see a teacher running towards me. He has super short brown hair and a big nose. He’s really tall. “You okay?” he asks. “Yeah.” I reply catching my breath. “Something’s going around. The kids at this school are droppin’ like flies.” The man says. “Cool.” I say sarcastically. I start walking towards my locker but the man wants to keep talking. “So what’s your name kid?” he asks. I roll my eyes. “They call me John.” I smile knowing how chill I sound. The man smiles.
When I finally escape the annoying teacher, I walk home. It’s raining outside and I have no umbrella so let the rain drench me as I walk. I’m actually new at this school. I didn’t like my old school because I got bullied but here I’m happier. I think of Kasey and Krissy. I admit I’m a flirt but I don’t see what’s wrong with it. I don’t really want a serious relationship since I’m only in 11th grade. If I ever found girlfriend I was really into, I’d probably lose them in college. It’s inevitable. So I walk home fighting the taste of vomit trying to focus on happier things. I think of Krissy and Kasey’s curves. I grin and keep walking with my gleaming tower of confidence.