We try to forget the attention Super Six got yesterday. A decent number of people saw us and some of them recorded us. They can show their recording to another decent group of people. But without much of a choice we put things behind us.
One day, I’m wrestling Krys when a sudden rush of nausea comes over me. I double over and Krys easily pins me down. “Are you okay or do I just not know my own strength?” she asks jokingly. She rolls off me and I weakly sit up. I look around dizzily and my stomach settles. “You’re not that strong. I’m just tired.” I reply defensively. She nods but then leaves and goes to wait tables. I go the boys’ room and study my reflection. The Hunter on the other side looks at me. His face is all white and stuff and he’s sweating. I tightly grip the sink. My heart pounds in my head and I squeeze my eyes shut. I know I’m sick but my parents are at work and I don’t want to be home alone. So I stay at Le Café sitting in a chair trying not to puke my guts up.
When I wake up the next morning I feel a million times worse. I wake up soaked in sweat and too weak to sit up. I groan and see sunlight pouring in my window and I wonder why I’m not at school. I strain to remember what happened last night. Then I remember my mom had taken my temperature earlier this morning and I had a high fever. I don’t think she told me what my temperature was or I just don’t remember but I had enough of a fever to be here now. I sink into my pillow and take deep breaths trying to contain my flipping stomach. I wonder what got me so sick. No one else in Super Six seems to be sick and no one at school looks sick. I think and think until my thoughts are interrupted when the air shrivels up and a portal opens.
Joe teleports to my bedroom. I finally gather all my strength and sit up. “Go away! I’ll get you sick.” I warn. His face gets a little pale. “You’re not sick Hunter.” He mumbles softly. “Yes I am! I have a temperature and I feel like shit.” I insist. “I know . . . it’s because . . .” Joe shuts his eyes and swallows. “What?” I ask annoyed wondering what could possibly be so hard to tell me. “I . . . I poisoned you.” he squeaks softly. “What?” I snap shocked. “I’m sorry. Rob and Scotch . . . they gave me this poison and told me to give it to someone so I put it in some curly fries and you ate them.” He blurts out breathlessly. “What?” I repeat getting nervous. Is he joking? Is this a prank to scare me? I search his eyes but all I see his sadness, fear and guilt. “What do I do? How do I get rid of it?” I demand. Joe looks back and forth. “I’m sorry. I can’t tell you.” he whispers. “So you came in here to tell me I’m gonna die and you can’t tell me how to save myself? At least tell me how long until,” I gulp. “You know.” I look at him pleadingly. “I dunno. 24 hours I guess.” He replies. “24 hours!” I croak weakly. “That’s like two days!” I exclaim. He teleports away but not before I catch a tear on his cheek.
I don’t quite know what to do now. I’m still in shock wondering if my life is really going to end. For a moment I think of Katy. If I do die am I going to join her? I think about that for a second or two. I ignore that idea and grab my cell phone from my night table. I debate who to call. I settle on calling Mute. We’re getting to be pretty good friends. I put the phone to my sweaty ear. It rings a few times. With each ring I feel more and more like I’m going to either puke or pass out or maybe even just drop dead. Finally after the third ring, Mute picks up. “Hello?” he asks. “I need your help.” I whisper, my voice hoarse and more timid than I expect it to sound. “Why?” he asks. Suddenly explaining everything feels like too much work. “Please just get the rest of Super Six and come to my house. It’s life or death.” I whisper sharply. Another wave of nausea knocks me back onto my pillow as I drop my phone. I hear it clatter on the floor. I can just barely hear Mute on the other end. “Hunter?” “Hunter!” “HUNTER!” My vision blurs and I fall asleep.