Outside Narrator
Nick, Mute and Jenny teleport back to the warehouse where they find John being held at gunpoint by Rob and Scotch and Krys and Matt staring at them wide-eyed. John, Krys and Matt cheer when they see Nick, Jenny and Mute. Scotch whirls around and points his gun at them. “You shouldn’t be so happy. I mean look who came to save you,” He gestures to Nick, Mute and Jenny. “A freak, a goth and a shrimp.” He and Rob laugh manically. “You’re crazy!” John yells angrily. “Even if we are that doesn’t change your fate. You’re dead!” Rob shouts still smiling evilly.
Back behind Le Café, Joe and Hunter go back inside to find Rose and Jake waiting. Rose had drunk the medicine and looks much better. “Thank God you’re okay.” Joe whispers. Jake scowls at him. “I can’t believe you! You almost killed her!” he shouts angrily. “I didn’t have a choice! I quit anyway!” Joe snaps back. Jake opens his mouth to yell something but Rose interrupts him. “Wait you quit?” she asks curiously. “Yep.” Hunter answers for him. For a moment all four of them stand there in silence until Joe gets an idea. “Let’s check B.B’s map and find the rest of Super Six.” He suggests. They all go to the backroom and look at B.B’s map. “Shit! Everyone else is at the warehouse!” Rose cries. “We gotta go!” Hunter yells. They sprint out of the backroom. Jake starts heading toward the door with Joe, Hunter and Rose. “Stop.” Rose whispers to Jake. “But . . .” Jake begins. “Please just stay behind.” She mumbles softly. Jake nods understandingly. She grabs his shoulders and lands a small, soft kiss on his lips. Joe and Hunter exchange glances. They run outside and Rose lags behind them red-faced.
When the three of them arrive at the warehouse, they see Rob and Scotch threatening to shoot John with everyone else just staring dumbfounded. “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?” Hunter demands angrily. “We’re gonna end this once and for all.” Rob growls gesturing to the bomb. “Shit!” Rose whispers. John knows they have to act before the bomb goes off. He whirls around and shoots Scotch with a yellow beam of light. Scotch shoots at John but only hits his leg. John starts running with a limp toward the door. “We have to leave now!” Mute yells as they all start running for the door. Just before they leave, Joe shoots at Rob and Scotch and manages to hit Scotch who falls to the ground. Rob screams and tackles Krys before she can make it out the door. “Krystal!” Matt shrieks turning around. “What?” Hunter and Jenny ask. Before they can go in and help Krys, the warehouse is blown to bits.