Even after being abandoned by Rose and Hunter in the garden, I still strive to be the first person in our group to glow. I don’t like to admit it but I feel worthless to them. I just sit alone and stay trapped in my own mind. On the internet I’m cool and fun and a great fighter in video games but in real life I’m weak and quiet. I suck at fighting, I’m not good at waiting tables, and I’m not even good at talking. No one even thought I’d become a part of Super Six. I feel like a mistake. But if I used the power in my rock and gained the ability to fight and shine like a star, I wouldn’t feel so worthless. So I zone out just thinking of how it would feel to glow. I would fight Nick, Joe and Matt and I’d win for once. I’d show my friends how strong I really am. I want to talk to someone about how much it means to me but I don’t talk very much. I already shock everyone whenever I open my mouth and contribute to a conversation. I don’t like that people look at me like an alien life-form every time I speak. So I don’t.
After a while of day dreaming, I begin to hope that Nick, Joe and Matt will attack us soon. The last time one of them attacked us is when Nick attacked Jenny in the Vacant Hallway. It’s been a week since then. I linger around Le Café after it closes hoping they might attack at night. One day, Hunter asks me about it. “Why do you always hang around Le Café?” he asks with his typical high pitched, whiny voice. “Why do you care? Just keep wasting your time playing around with the other kids.” I reply. That was a little harsh. I’m only around two years older than Krys and Jenny and they’re not terribly immature. “Don’t get so personal! I just asked you a question.” He says annoyed. “Sorry. I just like to hang out here.” I mutter quickly. “Why?” he persists. “Because it’s boring at my house.” That’s not entirely a lie. “Why?” He asks again. “I dunno. There’s nothing to do.” There’s nothing to do at Le Café either. “Why?” Hunter asks again. “Are you going to argue that you’re just asking questions now?” I ask annoyed. “No. I’m annoying.” He admits.
“But really, you act like you hate our group and Le Café but you work late and you saved me and Rose at the garden.” Hunter explains. I decide to be honest. “Well, you know what B.B said about using our white gems to become more powerful,” I begin. “Oh yeah. I think I lost mine.” He giggles. Krys and Jenny are somewhat mature. Hunter however isn’t at all. “Well, in all honesty, I really want to glow. I mean that gem can give you so much energy and strength. I could do anything.” I marvel. “That does sound cool.” Hunter agrees. I take my white gem out of my pocket and put it on the table. It’s one sixth the size of my regular gray gem. Hunter looks at it. “I should probably find mine.” He mumbles. I nod in agreement. “I’ll be right back.” I say getting up to go to the bathroom. “I’ll let you know if glowing crazy people attack while you’re gone.” Hunter teases playfully. I just smile and shake my head. I usually only get teased by people who hate me. But I know Hunter doesn’t mean it. I smile to myself. I may have found myself a real friend.
That night, I wake up randomly around midnight. I think about the previous day. Actually talking to Hunter like my friend. After I got back from the bathroom, he was gone so I left. I realize something. I left without taking my gem! I shoot up in my bed. I try not to panic convincing myself it will be there tomorrow. I fall back onto my cool pillow but I stare at the ceiling instead of sleeping. My head sinks into my pillow and the pillow rises to my ears. Life can be cruel sometimes. Nick, Joe and Matt could easily attack me tonight or tomorrow before I get my gem back and I’ll miss one of my only opportunities. By the time I do glow I won’t be the first anymore. I get out of my bed and open my bedroom door. I listen to see if my parents are awake. I don’t hear them. I take my gray gem, transform and use my bat wings to fly out my window. I glide around a little to get used to flying and I quickly fly towards Le Café.
When I look down, it’s easy to spot the brightly colored building. I soar down to earth and my feet slam against the ground. I shove against the glass doors but they don’t budge. I look to the top floor and see the window to what we call the Healing Room is open. I fly inside and down the neon colored stairs to the tables. I briefly scan each one looking for my gem. Nothing reflects the moonlight and I realize my gem isn’t here. Did I take it with me to the bathroom? I check the boys’ room but it’s not there either. I remember Hunter eyeing my gem and saying he lost his. Maybe he decided to take mine. I take a breath and use logic. It does make sense but he’s a good kid. I leave Le Café flying above town. I ponder stopping by Hunter’s house to just ask him if he even knows where it is. I don’t know his exact address but I do know he walks to school so I fly over to our school. I look at the houses. In the backyard of one house, I see a light. I fly closer to see a silhouette bathed in a soft orange glow. He’s fighting with another shadow. One with tiger ears and a tail. Nick and Hunter are fighting. I look to see the object of the fight. A white gemstone.
“Give it to me!” Nick’s voice commands. “No! Why do you even want it?” Hunter asks. “I heard what Mute said about the power it gives you!” he cries. Hunter lowers his eyebrows. “So you were spying on us at Le Café?” he asks. “Yeah. Like you spied on us.” Nick murmurs pulling out his knife. “Get away from him!” I shout from the sky. I glide down and let gravity pull me down to the ground. I land on my hands and knees but quickly leap up. I look semi-cool landing like I’m in a movie. Hunter holds out the white gem. “It’s yours Mute. Take it.” He says tossing it to me. I catch it and hold it close to me. “Give it to me fucker!” Nick yells as his own feet leave the ground. I quickly launch myself at the stars. I fly higher and Nick follows me. He darts toward me but I quickly glide left. I feel my stomach drop and adrenaline pulses through me. In the corner of my mind, I know I’m enjoying this. Nick grabs my feet and yanks me down further but we’re still high above the ground. “C’mon Mute!” a tiny ant-like Hunter cheers from the ground. I yank my foot away from Nick and kick his baseball cap right off his head. It plummets back down to earth. Hunter attempts to catch it but it lands pretty far away from him.
“Give up Mute! You’re a pathetic piece of crap and you know you can’t beat me!” Nick growls. I almost wince expecting the sting from his words but it never comes. He can tell I’m not worthless. He throws his knife at me. It nicks my shoulder but impales my left wing. I flap my wings frantically but the ground pulls me closer like Nick’s baseball cap. For a moment, I’m illuminated with light. I wonder if I’m going to burst into flames like a meteorite. I realize the glow is generating from the white gem. I’m glowing! I quickly stick my feet out and stand straight like a yardstick. I land hard on my feet. I stumble a little from the impact of the ground but I don’t fall. Nick hovers a little above the ground showing off his ability to fly uninjured. I scowl at him and punch his nose. It gushes blood and he cuffs his hands around it. I look him dead in the eye. “Leave.” And he does.