The pain and agony of Judgment Day. Everyone is tense. We walk around Le Café like lit dynamite. Almost anything will set us off. We’re all also pretty bummed about Nick, Joe and Matt’s betrayal. I guess it was to be expected. Still, I wish we could’ve rescued them sooner. Before Rob and Scotch turned them against us. We all talk about this at a hot, red table at Le Café. “It was nice knowing you guys.” Hunter mutters sadly. I hate everyone’s attitude. We’re all so pessimistic and depressed. “Don’t be like that! We can still beat Rob and Scotch.” I say hopefully. “Guys! We’re gonna be fine.” Rose insists. I’m glad someone chooses to be optimistic about this. “Nick, Joe and Matt didn’t kill us before. It won’t be any different now.” She folds her arms. I nod. “Yeah. Only today Rob and Scotch are gonna come out of hiding and we can kill them.” I add confidently. I’m going to be glad when this is all over. “I doubt it.” John says sadly. I scowl at him. “Well moping around and saying we’re gonna die won’t do anything.” Jenny points out. I smile at her. “There’s nothing else we can do.” Krys says. That silences the room. I bite my lip and wish everyone would have just a bit more confidence in Super Six.
Rose and Jake are the first to leave Le Café. John and Krys leave together. Jenny and Drew leave together. Just before I leave I decide to chat with Hunter. “Hey,” I begin happily. He looks up from the plate of curly fries he’s busy inhaling. “Hi Mute.” He mumbles with his mouth full. I laugh a little. He swallows. “What’s so funny?” he asks innocently. I just smile. “How come you haven’t left yet?” I ask him. “Oh . . . just trying to stay here for as long as I can.” He explains. I raise an eyebrow. “You do realize you’re not any safer here than somewhere else.” He shrugs and takes another handful of curly fries. “Well . . . bye.” I mutter heading toward the door. “Good luck!” Hunter shouts as curly fries fall out of his mouth. I smile at him and hurry out the door.
It’s a nice warm day. One of those perfect 70 degree days where the birds are chirping and a few teenagers crawl out of the comfort of their basements and go outside. As I hurriedly walk home, I pass by the school. Since today is Saturday, the school is a ghost town. As I walk by it, I notice Jenny looking in a window. I slowly start walking up to her. She easily hops in the window. I curiously walk over to the window. What’s Jenny doing at the school? I see the window she crawled through is slightly ajar. I try to squeeze through myself but unlike Jenny, I’m too broad. I decide to just pry the window open a little more. I successfully climb through and land in a random classroom. I think it may be a science room. I see microscopes and a colorful poster with the Periodic Table on it.
I dash out of the classroom down random hallways looking for Jenny. Does she know something I don’t? Why would she come here of all places? “Jenny?” I call out. No one responds. I turn down a few more hallways until I end up wandering over to the Vacant Hallway. As I reach the top of the stairs leading down to the hallway, two figures come into my view. I see Nick and he’s on top of Jenny. For a moment I stand horrified watching them. Jenny is frantically squirming but is no match for Nick who effortlessly holds her down with his knees. He holds his dagger against her neck. Her cheeks are covered with tear stains. I raise my gray gem and transform. I take a deep breath. “STOP!”
Nick and Jenny both look up startled. I fly down the stairs to where they’re on the dusty floor. “Go away.” Nick growls. “Help me.” Jenny whimpers. Nick turns back to her and brings his knife to her neck. “Get off her!” I screech. I tackle Nick. He falls on top of Jenny. He drops his knife inches away from her head. She yelps like a puppy that’s been kicked across the floor. “YOU’RE CRUSHING ME!” she shrieks. Poor Jenny. The child is being crushed by two giants. “Get the fuck off her!” I yell. Jenny thrashes and squirms and finally squeezes out from underneath me and Nick. I pin Nick’s wrists to the floor and sit on his stomach. He struggles a little but I’ve got him and he knows it. Jenny leaps to her feet and looks down at us. I see a small tear drip out of the corner of Nick’s eye. His eyes are bloodshot and have dark circles under them. I realize he’s been fighting his own battle. “That’s it.” He whispers. Me and Jenny exchange confused glances. “I’m done.” He whispers. “With what?” Jenny asks. He looks up at her sadly. He bites his lip and his eyes shift around but finally he takes a breath and speaks. “I’m done working for those heartless assholes.”
I roll off of Nick. “Really?” I ask eagerly. It’s too late for him to change his mind and betray us again right? Nick nods still crying a little. He turns to Jenny. “I’m sorry.” He whispers. “It’s fine.” Jenny replies with a small but sincere smile. I stare at her for a minute. She’s so forgiving. This guy tried to kill her and she barely cares. She makes it look so easy too. Her tears are gone now and most of the color is back in her cheeks. “I think I know where Rob and Scotch and maybe the rest of Super Six are.” He informs us. He opens a portal. For a moment Jenny and I hesitate. She’s quicker to give back her trust than I am. “Let’s end those fudge balls once and for all!” she cheers eagerly leaping through the portal. I smile and giggle. I follow her through the portal and we teleport away. We’re going to fight Rob and Scotch. And we’re going to win.