A Birthday to be Forgotten

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Kaito really wasn't happy today, all of them had forgotten this special occasion which only happened once a year. Nakamori Aoko forgot it, Hakuba Saguru forgot it, Koizumi Akako forgot it... They all forgot it. Only his mother had remembered and had delivered her congratulations with a childish song through a video chat with her lovely son.

Today was Kaito's birthday, he finally turned eightteen.

Aoko had been all busy planning a pajama party with her beloved friends, Kaito had no idea who was going to come as she didn't feel the need to invite him too, Hakuba worked on a case from early morning to late at night and thus hadn't been present at school at all and Akako was completely engulfed by her sweet play with all the boys inside the classroom. Not that he took part of it, Akako wasn't his type of girl and he never found himself to care why he wouldn't ever fall for her magic.

Sadly sighing, the boy switched from his school uniform into his famous white suit and properly fixed his top hat and monocle on his head, eying himself inside the small mirror to inspect his outlooks before disappearing into the depths of night. Even Jii-chan had forgotten his birthday but he couldn't bring himself to be mad at him, after all he was the one throwing his precious and needed sleep away just to repear Kaito's broken hangglider which now worked as marvellous as ever. Actually he wasn't even able to be mad at any of them... he rarely told anybody about private occasions yet Aoko really could have remembered it.
Tonight's target was a diamond, a big one indeed and properly embedded into a necklace. A perfect goal for Kaitou KID... and the day would have been overall perfect... if any of his supposed to be friends would have taken the effort and congratulated him. He didn't even get to eat a piece of cake today... A crushing experience for the sweet addicted Kuroba Kaito.

As he arrived on his hangglider and silently landed behind a few bushes to change his clothes, Kaito scanned the crowd for his favorite critics using a new gadget Jii had been preparing for him together with the hangglider. Edogawa Conan, Hakuba Saguru and- he had invited Hattori Heiji to his heist, too. He somehow enjoyed the hotblooded boy, especially once he lost his temper toying around with him was pure fun and surely made his fun time during a heist even worthier.
It wasn't long until he had spotted all of them and marked their positions on his map, shortly calculating the time each of them would have needed to circle him and reach a few specific places he needed to perform inside... and he was done.
Time for Kaitou KID to start the show.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I will be providing today's entertainment, so better focus and try to see through my breathtaking magic~"
His fans began to scream and squeal as they spot the thief on his hangglider reappearing inside air, him elegantly landing on top of a lantern.
"Do you believe in wonders~?"
Once again, his fans broke out into cries of applause and admiration.
Kaito chuckled in satisfaction and deeply bowed towards his audience, at the same time a dove escaped out of his sleeve which caused a few giggles. The magician tilted his head and playfully smiled down onto the crowd, pulling his top hat slightly lower to hide his face properly.
"And who of you thinks I'll be calling the jewel mine today?"
"We will see about that Kaitou KID!"
Nakamori-keibu growled at him, accusingly aiming his finger at him and proving his lungs once again to be the strongest of the task force.
"What are you waiting for, arrest him!!"

KID stormed into the building, victorious laughter echoing through the hallways and the task force and Nakamori-keibu directly at his heel, cursing in a way any criminal would be proud of. Finally KID made a turn and promptly opened the door to a seemingly unimportant room; and Nakamori-keibu sweatdropped with a face drained of all colour.
It was pretty easy for KID to block the door with all the stuff laying around, especially the table and chairs created a pretty stable wall for him to relax behind. The male shook his head with a pityful sigh, how could the Keibu have thought he could hide the gem here and present a replica inside the exhibition room? He turned around, expecting to see a necklace hidden inside a few boxes yet it wasn't only that which caught his attention.

There was a chocolate cake. With candles, lit and spreading a comfortable shine. And a card on top of it, carefully placed so it wouldn't catch fire through the candles.
With a priceless expression sprawled across his face, Kaito slowly stepped closer and first made sure it wasn't a trap before picking up the small card, mouthing the words obviously meant for only his eyes.

Happy Birthday Kaitou KID

-Nakamori Ginzo

Kaito couldn't believe what he had been reading just now. Again and again his eyes flew over the note, he didn't dream did he? No, this wasn't a dream, he had pinched himself to confirm the twisted reality.
But how did the Keibu know about his birthday date? Did Hakuba tell him beforehand? He had figured out lots about Kaito's secret persona, after all.
Regardless of that, KID scanned the cake for a tracker. Nothing. It wasn't a trick.
"Nakamori-keibu... he... he remembered my birthday..."
Kaito felt so overcome he almost started to cry. With a smile he took the cake, necklace he found a few seconds later and ignored the police banging against door as he calmly opened the window and jumped out, using his hangglider for the further way home.

At least someone truly cared about him.


To make things clear:
No, this story is NOT a ship of Nakamori and KID.
No, I do NOT like pedophilic ships.

And if you don't like parental Nakamori and KID, you don't need to spew it out in the comments. Don't like don't read.

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