Unexpected Visit

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It was a boring day at the Mouri house and thus, Ran invited Heiji and Shinichi over. She was sure, with the help of these two even her father would cheer up. Flashing a glance at him, the young adult had no choice than to shake her head. Mouri Kogoro sat at his desk, watching his favorite show, snorting a few times but other than that remaining absolutely quiet.

There was a knock at the door and Ran, helpful as she was, immediately pressed down the handle and greeted her guests.
"Shinichi! Hattori-kun! I'm so glad you could make it."
The dark skinned male laughed it off and gently tipped his baseball cap as a greeting.
"Ya gotta expect me to come if there's food ya offer."
Shinichi rolled his eyes, still a smile hushed over his lips as he ellbowed his companion. He hadn't been too fond of cheering up that old tart but coming here was worth it for the time Ran had taken him in as Conan.

Ran simply smiled and gestured towards the couch where a few plates with selfmade sweets rested, a wonder Kogoro hadn't taken any interest in them yet. Minutes later the whole crew eagerly chatted, Heiji from time to time triggered by Shinichi's comments about his 'bride' Kazuha. But at one comment, the Osakan frowned and a deep sigh went past his lips.
"Her birthday's close by. Yo Ran-chan, she's been talking like non stop about that frickin' dress she loves so much. Any idea how it looks and where to get it?"
A smirk came across Shinichi's face, carefully eying the man across of him. Finally it was his turn, his revenge for all the teasing comments he had endured in his time as Edogawa Conan.

"Nee, going to buy a sweet birthday gift for your bride?"
The hotblooded detective snorted in rage, smoke seemed to emit from his ears. Ran shot a deathglare at Shinichi and casually smiled at her friend.
"I'll go shopping with you, don't worry."
Nodding thankful at her, he leaned back and let out a soft dramatic wheeze.
"Knowing her 't has to be somethin' expensive. Gotta guess ya need to work to keep a woman."
Kogoro looked like he could relate to the fullest and breathed out as well, probably remembering endless money he had spent on his daily flirts or tries to go out with a woman.
"Nothing in life is free."

Ran frowned at the words of her male company and shook her head this instant, clearly disagreeing with them. It took a moment for her to answer as she sipped her tea but then proceeded to throw a 'Love is free' into the round. Shinichi couldn't help but feel his cheeks lightly heat up at the sweet smile she threw at him and coughed to overcome the embarassment.
"W-well I guess k-knowledge also is free."
All of a sudden Heiji sat up straight and nodded, a bright grin sprawled across his face. Obviously, the Osakan detective just regained his spirit.
"Ya're right! Adventure is also free! Right Kudo?"
Still trying to fight his blush Shinichi nodded, taking a sip of his tea.

Kogoro scoffed and sipped his beer, clearly not in the mood for tea.
"That's stupid. You get in trouble for adventure, need to work hard for knowledge and love doesn't last long. Just look at my marriage."
Ran took a sharp gasp, immediately sitting straight.
"Now that's not fair Tou-san!"

Freezing inside their seats, the small group blinked. Once. Twice. No, that voice didn't belong to any of them.

Kaitou KID lazily sat on Mouri Kogoro's favorite chair, his feet resting upon his desk, a cup of tea inside his left hand and a sapphire necklace twirling on his index finger. Where he had gotten the tea, no idea. But it definitely belonged to the Mouri household, regarding the special decorations on the porcelain.
"Everything is free if you take it without paying~"
Silence filled the room, KID taking a calm sip of the damping tea, all eyes piercing him through.

All of a sudden Shinichi jumped off of the couch and dashed towards said thief, but KID bursted into laughter and jumped out of the window, taking the cup with him but leaving the sapphire necklace on the wooden desk, disappearing inside an explosion of doves.
"I shall be claiming this in exchange for the necklace~!" the group heard him snicker. Hattori scowled and instead made a dash towards the door, out of the house and onto the busy street.

But KID was gone, just like that, Shinichi at the window and trying to figure out the impossible, Heiji and Kogoro on the street to look for the cheeky trespasser, and Ran?
Ran remained on the couch, calmly nibbling on a cookie. She looked pretty sure that searching for him was senseless at this moment.
"You really have nerves, KID..."

And at this very moment, a wide smirk appeared on her lips, peacefully observing the raging detectives with joy and a sweet innocent girl currently sleeping inside her room.

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