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"A costume party? Who's the host?"
"Hattori-kun! And you're coming along, I won't accept a no. All of our friends are there!"
Kaito wrinkled his nose, clearly not please to have Aoko deciding over his opinion again.
"You mean Hakubastard is also going to come?"
"Of course!"
His eyes seemed to beam for a second with light over the idea which rushed through his mind. Setting up an innocent grin, he agreed to Aoko's plans.
"Sure, I'm in. I'll do a magic show too! What would be halloween without some wonders~"

Oh yes, Kaito prepared a magic show. A magic show in which Hakuba would take place, he knew the detective couldn't refuse if everybody would push him onto the stage. Especially Hattori would love to see him getting used by Kaito.
Once the party took place, Aoko impatiently waited for her best friend to show up. But the person who stepped out of her house sent chills down her spine and she backed with a deepthroated growl away.
"Kaito KID?!"
Kaito laughed and shook his head, taking off the top hat and monocle.
"Sheesh, it's me. How could you mistake me, I'm way cooler than the original!"
Aoko couldn't help than to laugh as she heard that and grabbed his hand, pulling him along. She herself wore a cute costume, resembling a so called nekomata.

In front of the door of the Hattori-household, Kaito stopped Aoko by grabbing her arm.
"Wait Aoko. I'll startle them~ Go inside yes? Lets see who also believes I'm KID!"
Of course happy to not be the one who gets pranked, Aoko agreed and opened the door while Kaito went into hiding. Onto questions about Kaito she either answered "He couldn't make it" or "He had other plans".
Suddenly, in the middle of the room a pink cloud of smoke erupted and Kaito stepped grinning in his disguise out of it, bowing to the baffled audience.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! I will enchant you today with a magic show beyond your imaginations!"

Nobody moved, all stared at Kaito until Sonoke began to squeal highpitched.
Heiji caught himself as well and immediately launched forward to attack Kaito what the magician dodged laughing. Hakuba inhaled sharply and immediately approached him.
"You have nerves!! I'll arrest you this instant!"
Aoko finally couldn't hold it anymore and bursted into laughter, clunching her stomach and trying to force her tears back.
"S-stop...! K-Kaito stop...! M-my stomach...!"
"KAITO?!" everyone exclaimed and the magician took laughing his top hat and monocle off.
"I can't believe you all fell for it! I'm way better looking than the original!"
The blond haired detective turned bright red in anger. He couldn't believe that Kaito really had the nerve to dress up as Kaito KID in front of him and even admit who he was!
...yet again, it was Kaito. He should have expected that.

Really, Kaito provided a great magic show and the guests were fire and flame for his marvellous illusions. Until he called Hakuba onto the stage, who first refused but got pushed forward anyway.
"Now, who wants me to let the detective vanish~?"
Great cheers and applause answered his question and Hakuba sweatdropped. What was Kaito going to do to him? He couldn't leave, everyone blocked his way. Kaito approached him and took of his coat to cover Hakuba from head to toe in it. With a simple snap of his fingers... the coat fell onto the ground and Hakuba was gone.
"Where is he?!"
"Show us Kuroba-kun!"
Kaito simply grinned in a mysterious manner and bowed.
"That is for me to know and you to find out. A magician never tells~ I hope you enjoyed my show."

Suddenly a small child made its way forward and grinned at Kaito, making the magician sweatdrop. No way... he really recognized him. And the worst of all... the child wore a costume which horrified the poor magician.
A fish poncho with an adorable hood which could make hearts melt, but for Kaito... it meant pure hell. It was Edogawa Conan, obviously tagging along with Ran and Sonoke.
"Well, shall I reveal your magic trick?"
His intense glare pierced through the magician who had trouble keeping his pokerface on. Swallowing hard, he backed a step away from the child.
"A-ah, well, I-..."
He was at loss of words. What was going to happen? Kaito couldn't fortell what the chibi detective would do now. But Conan simply grinned and took a step closer where the magician really had to force himself to not whimper in fear.
"Don't worry KID... Or Kuroba Kaito~? Today I'm not working. I will catch you redhanded and not like this, where would be the thrill? See you the next heist~"

Looking as innocent as ever again, Conan turned around and vanished into the crowd, letting Kaito exhale the air he didn't realize he was holding in. At least he was a good rival...
Finally, a loud cry of fury emitted from the cellar and Hakuba stormed out, a few bits of ice hanging on his hair and clothes. He sure was a view, all red of anger and this messed up. Immediately everyone bombarded him with questions what happened and where he was.
"Where I was?! I woke up inside the freezer in the cellar!!"
Kaito bursted out giggling and smirked at the detective.
"And, figured my trick out?"

It costed all his nerves to admite he didn't.

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