A shot to miss

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Kaito was invited to join a heist by Nakamori-keibu, mostly to inspect their traps set up for Kaito KID. The boy sure laughed to himself as he heard about that, of course knowing that Nakamori-keibu would explain all his traps and plans to him which made it more than easy to steal the...


Kaito didn't even want to speak out its name.

A slap onto his back by the inspector brought him back to reality and he flinched madly, laughing to overplay that he was with his thoughts elsewhere.
"Haha, great traps Nakamori-keibu! I'm sure Kaito KID will step into at least one of them."
The man nodded and straightened his back to stare proudly at his work. Much to Kaito's despise the gem he was targetting was embedded into a pond with kois and again lucky for him it was part of a statue inside it, so he didn't need to touch the water.

In the evening as Kaito barged through the task force like it would be nothing, he froze as he saw Edogawa Conan standing in front of the pond, his right shoe surrounded by small lightnings flashing back and forth, a soccer ball below it and an evil grin on his lips. Swallowing hard Kaito backed away.
"A-ah, Meitantei, why don't we settle this peaceful and you slowly back from this soccer ball away...?"
"I can't agree to this, I see no reason to not shoot at you~ See it as favor, if I prevent you from stealing like this you won't have to come closer to the fish."
Conan knew about Kaito KID's ichthyophobia but he never made a big deal out of it or told anyone else, he wasn't the kind of person who would use KID's fears to beat him. The magician bowed shortly and smiled.
"This is an offer I politely decline, regarding of today being a special night~"

With a loud poof Kaito blended into the smoke surrounding him and magically appeared on top of the statue, holding the gem inside his hands with a victorious grin.
"You lost, Meitantei~"
He tried his best to not think about the finny monsters below him but as he examined the gem in the moonlight he lost his guard for a second.

And immediately, the magician got hit by an extremely fast and strong soccerball directly into his stomach, causing him to fall with a shriek into the water. Conan gasped shortly, he wanted to knock the gem out of KID's hands and not send the whole phantom flying into the pond. Without hesitation he dived after him and reappeared behind him, covering from behind the magicians eyes while he swam to the surface, of course pulling in the process the child up as well.
"Don't look KID."
Kaito wasn't sure what to say or do now, but he felt relieved Conan obviously tried to protect him from a panic attack which could cost his freedom at once. With the child leading him, he swam towards the edge and jumped out of the water, Conan finally losing his grip from the magicians eyes.
The child stepped in front of him, crossing his arms.
"And now the jewel."
Kaito hesitated, but since he already was on his knees and knew Pandora wasn't inside his target, he grasped gently the small hand of the chibi detective and kissed gently its back.
"As you wish, Meitantei. This isn't the jewel I wanted... So keep it. And... my gratitude."
Conan blushed lightly in embarassment but seemed satisfied upon receiving the precious gem.

Some rivals really were the best friends.

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