Sensei to Love 2

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Weeks later, Kaito should face a real audience together with various other classmates to train. Getting himself ready for his performance on stage, he encouraged his nervous friends with a few small jokes.
He, after all, had no reason to be nervous. Thanks to his secret persona Kaitou KID, he was used to deal with a much larger audience than the theater could fit.

He knew what the supposed to be audience would do. Curse and boo him out. Kaito and the others should train to deal with rejection, to never let this in stone carved pokerface shatter. What kind of people would await him outside the backstage area? Students? Teachers? Random gathered civilians? He wasn't sure.
Ah, Kaito thought, the next one finished with his performance. Either broke down crying or... no, he did break down crying.
There wasn't any other possibility as why he should slam the backstage door shut like this. There he goes...

Kaito changed his direction and walked after the fleeing actor, only to find him crying inside the shared preparation-room. His comrades already did their best to calm him yet to no avial, the poor man shruddered whenever another wave of tears came over him. Kaito wrinkled his nose and crouched down in front of him, pulling out a small napkin with his own name engraved.
"Shh. Don't cry Nishino-san. Remember what sensei taught us. That's only to strenghen our pokerface."
"Y-you don't understand...! A whole class of students is outside! And they all s-stared and c-criticised and booed a-and and-"
"Shush!" interrupted the bubbly magician, this time all calm and collected. "You're not a bad actor. You really aren't bad. And I'm not just saying that. You know they don't take you apart because you're bad, Nishino-san. They have been told to be mean."

The black haired actor breathed out a shaky sigh and looked up, finally meeting Kaito's indigo eyes who took the opportunity to wipe his tears in a gentle manner with his handkerchief.
"Y-you're the one to talk, Kuroba-san," Nishino halfheartedly laughed, "you're the one with t-the most talent and best pokerface. T-there is nothing about you which presents any opportunity for the audience to strike."
A cheshire grin made its way onto Kaito's lips and he saluted, actually just trying to cheer him up.
"You know that's not perfection. I still have to work on myself. So how about we unite forces? They can't get to you with me inbetween. And together we'll blow them away."
Nishino hesitated and finally took the outstretched hand to give it an ambitious shake, all tears forgotten.
"You're right! Let's blow them away."
His classmates shot a few satisfied and relieved glances at him, glad Nishino was back to usual.

Preparing his last few steps until his performance, Kaito overheard a pretty interesting conversation between the girls. Of course, dressing rooms were seperated and since he had spent most of his time inside he never caught up on any of these news. But now...
"Did you see that student? In the middle?"
"You mean the one with blonde hair? How couldn't I, he destroyed me! But he does look kinda handsome..."
"I think his name is... Hakuba Saguru. Wasn't he a detective?"
Kaito didn't listen any further. Hakuba was between these students, in conclusion, Kudo had mixed himself into the audience too. A wide smirk appeared on the magicians lips. If he wouldn't know better he would praise fate for this new private encounter. Did Kudo know wether Kaito would be present? Oh how much he wished to surprise his old lovely rival.

The stage lit up, the spotlight casted upon him. Kaito wouldn't back away a single step. Searching in his audience for his two favorite critics, he soon came face to face with a horrified Hakuba and a surprised but pleased Kudo. Wait... was that a small blush? Ha, he must have remembered how their last encounter had turned out.
"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!" Kaito shouted KID-alike, only to give Hakuba a reason to turn red in frustration.
...what happened in the same second.
During his performance, someone finally had enough courage to do what they had been told to do and immediately, all the others joined into the chorus of negative response.
"Booo!! You're horrible!"
Kaito was a marvellous entertainer and of course wasn't effected by it. What did his Oyaji tell him in one of his many records? If a critic tries to interrupt your performance, just enchant them with your magic and introduce them to the world of dreams.

Kaito snickered. It wasn't a sign of retreat, his sounds erupted into magnificent and proud laughter.
"What a pity. That means I will just have to show you a better trick."
It was pretty easy for him, he chose a trick which had helped him escape once as KID. Dove per dove appeared inside his hands, settling down all over his body. It wasn't long until the magician was covered from head to toe in a wiggling feathery mess.
"And now! My lovely critics, I shall disappear in front of your very eyes~!" the male cooed and with a snap of his fingers the birds flew off in all directions. Kaito had vanished and the audience couldn't hold back their surprise.
"Where...?" Hakuba muttered, clearly nervous to leave the magician out of his eyes. He could strike any second now.

All of a sudden Shinichi felt weight on his lap. His gaze returned to his own body and much to his surprise, he found Kaito sprawled out across his and Hakuba's lap.
"Hi detectives~! Surprised to see me? I thought I'd drop by for a visit, but you seem quite occupied now."
Shinichi rolled his eyes but couldn't hide a smile on his lips. Of course, his reappearance only forced more of cheers and applause out of the crowd until the teacher had to scold them into silence. This hadn't been their task, after all.
While Hakuba had a hard time to maintain in his polite behavior and not shove Kuroba's legs off of his lap, Shinichi smirked. He gently reached for the magician's chin and fixed his eyes. Sapphire met indigo, it was a moment of eternity. Everything around them was a blur, the applause, Hakuba's frustration of being unable to figure out the trick Kaito had used. It was just them.

Shinichi leaned in, he saw Kaito's eyes slowly fluttering close, saw his glossy lips, the dust of red on his cheeks... He chuckled and instead leaned towards his ear, letting his hot breath engulf it completely.
"It's a shame to love a student, but I just can't help it..."
The magician opened his eyes and a noise of disapproval came out of his throat.
"You're a student yourself idiot."
"But today we were all supposed to teach you~ That makes me a sensei, doesn't it~?"
Kaito opened his mouth to answer but found his lips captured by Shinichi's. Was that a pout the detective noticed? Ha, he had managed to silence the cocky thief.

Nothing could disturb these two rivals. Neither Hakuba's inappropriate gasp of utter horror nor the teacher's disapproving look of kissing in front of an audience. Not even the audience themselves which started clapping in joy.
Fate had reuinited them again.
Shinichi parted, his fingers gently cradling the bundle of hairs at Kaito's nape, and took the view in front of him all in. His lips now shiny in saliva, kiss-swollen and his eyelids half closed, an unfocused daze in these violet eyes...
He looked utterly attractive like this.
And Shinichi made sure to treasure this expression forever.

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