Lonelyness (Sagukai, sexual content)

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His own moans slipped out of his lips whenever Hakuba moved, Kaito gave up to suppress them since long. It was just a lonely night as usual, both met on top of a roof to once more comfort each other.
Kaito bent in front of the detective, willingly keeping his hands shut on the fence in front of him to support his own weight. No words were exchanged between these two, but Kaito was with his thoughts elsewhere.

What was Hakuba thinking? Kaito wanted to see his face, but he couldn't turn around. The detective had him completely pinned against the fence, despite that, it wouldn't fit their relationship would it? It was a mere relationship based on sex, to comfort each other in this cold world.
His thoughts got disturbed by a certain male hitting a very sensitive spot, forcing Kaito to moan cutely out, panting and having trouble to stay on his legs.
"H-Ha... H-Hakuba...~!"
The detective purred softly at the mention of his name, his arm pulling Kaito closer at his waist to reach deeper parts inside him.

Kaito was a drooling, panting mess by now. Every time again he was impressed how Hakuba could crush his pokerface with this mere act. Both knew it was a sin... A detective and a thief? But they didn't care.
Kaito couldn't help than to sink into pleasure, letting his mind grow numb and the comforting warmth taking over his body and soul.

It wasn't until the next heist that Kaito noticed on his hang glider...
Wasn't this the detective?
His eyes shot up wide as he saw the blond haired detective inside a room of a scyscraper he flew past, pinned against the opposite wall of the window. Tears began to prinkle inside Kaito's eyes. Hakuba was his, right? His only partner of comfort. Or no... he was a detective, right? He wouldn't be sleeping around for valid information... would he?

Right. He had other cases to take care of. He couldn't always attend KID's heists, the thief knew this too. But why did he feel so betrayed?
The truth will always come to light.
Which possible truth? That Hakuba didn't want him? For Kaito it shouldn't be anything else but he desired the detective. For these strong hands to hold him, to drive his body and mind insane by caressing his skin and making him feel this loved and wanted like he had never felt before.

As Hakuba approached Kaito the next day and smiled at him, the magician only glared back.
"Say, tonight, do-"
Taken aback by this since his rival never turned an offer down Hakuba stared for a second before tilting his head.
"Why? 21:00:01:43, at this time I deduced do you have no other plans to accomplish."
Kaito glared at him once more, he successfully kept his pokerface up.
"No. If you excuse me, class is about to begin."
Baffled, Hakuba followed him and Aoko began to worry as soon as Kaito took his seat next to her. Her best friend wore an expression which he never wore beforehand, it was screaming to not approach him today. Usually she would have done everything in her power to raise his mood and to distract him, but this time she realized it would be better to leave the magician to himself.

After school, Hakuba caught up to Kaito and finally once he reached his house pushed the magician roughly inside and locked the door after entering himself.
"No escapes, Kuroba-kun. What is wrong?"
The magician let out a yelp and scoffed angrily, crossing his arms in front of his chest and flashing a glance behind Hakuba to the closed housedoor.
"I have nothing to tell you."
The detective raised his eyebrows and sighed softly, leaning against the wall of the floor.
"I deduce: You misunderstood something or I did something which didn't appeal to you, noticing your bad mood first occured 8:00:27:01 hours after the heist. Has my missing attendance anything to do with this?"

Kaito bit his lip hardly, trying to force the upcoming tears and the lump in his throat away.
"Coud you repeat yourself?"
"W-what is your problem?!"
Hakuba stared confused at him as tears dwelled up in the magicians eyes, forcing him to wipe hastily the fluid away.
"Y-you...! I understand you have other cases! But why! H-how could you do such a thing! A-aren't you at least considering my feelings?! I-I saw you Hakuba... I-I saw you in this hotel..."
The detective backed a step away as he heard the impossible words rushing out of the overwhelmed boy and first wasn't sure what to answer which confirmed the magicians suspicion.
"S-so what?! It's true or not?! F-for what do you need me if you sleep around for information anyway?!"

Hakuba sighed and pulled the raging magician into a tight hug, keeping him in his iron grip no matter how much he struggled.
"Kuroba-kun... He tried to assault me, but... I pushed him off. I have never slept around for information... and will never do it either."
He bent down to kiss gently his tears away.
"Don't worry... You are be the only one I allow to comfort me. When we're at it... since I deduced our feelings to be mutual, how about to seal this bond~?"
Kaito felt a blush rise onto his face and he hesitantly leaned against Hakuba as he began to kiss softly along his neck.
"...fine... But this time you'll care afterwards too, I'm sick of running every morning with a hurting ass around."
"Yea yea. I promise."

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