Drunk (Sagukai)

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It was the time of the cherry blossom fest in Japan and of course, the Gosho detectives planned to go with their friends. At the end Kaito went along, Aoko with Akako, Kazuha and Ran, and many more until a gigantic group resulted.

As they all drank pretty much Kaito soon became tired and wanted to leave home until a strong hand caught him. Surprised by this Kaito wanted to turn around but was already trapped inside the tight hug of Hakuba Saguru.
"KIIIID... Staaaaay..."
Kaito wrinkled his nose, the detective was drunk to the bone.
"I'm not KID Hakuba, how often do I have to tell you?!"
With a sigh he flashed a glance at Aoko.
"Hakuba is drunk to the bone, I'll take care of him..."
"Whaaaat?! The festival isn't over yet!"
"Well somebody has to take care of this idiotic detective and I definitely won't leave him in Hattori's near!"

Since the poor detective wasn't able to walk properly Kaito didn't hesitate to give him a piggy bag ride.
"You owe me something for that Hakuba, got it?!"
The only answer he received was some ununderstandable slurring of the Heisei Holmes. Since his home was too far away Kaito decided to carry the detective into his own house, taking the risk of him finding suspicious traces at the poster of his father. Ah what did he worry, Hakuba would wake up with a gigantic hangover the next morning and wouldn't be able to deduce anything.
Once Kaito entered his domain he pushed him off onto the couch and drove through his own hair, unsure what to do with the detective.
That pulled him out of his thoughts. Since when would Hakuba purr his name like this?

Hakuba groggily sat up and pulled the magician close, trapping him once more inside a hug.
"Hakuba what the heck let go! Sheesh you're drunk...!"
Despite Saguru obviously not thinking clear Kaito found himself within a second below him on the couch, pinned shut with Hakuba sitting on his legs.
"What the...?!"
The boy bent down, breathing gently against his neck before his lips touched Kaito's skin, sending an electric shock through the magicians body.
"Hakuba-! S-stop it you're not thinking clear! HAKUBA!"
All complaining didn't help, Hakuba seemed deaf for his protests and soon enough Kaito began to feel incredible hot. No way this was really happening... He wasn't even able to move, how should he free himself?!

But once Hakuba shifted a little Kaito finally saw a chance and pushed the detective roughly off of him, panting softly in arousement.
"You bastard!"
Hakuba let out a yelp as he hit the ground and as Kaito walked past him he grabbed the magician once more. Slowly he pulled himself up and hugged Kaito from behind, purring into his ear.
"Kuroba-kun... Please... I love you... Why else should a thief be so interesting to me... I will chase forever after you, KID..."
Kaito froze as he heard this and sighed softly. He turned around and gently kissed Hakuba's cheek, resulting the drunk one to grin in a sloppy manner.
"Fine... But slow down a little. I might as well give one of my best critics a chance."

The next morning, Saguru woke up with an incredible headache and had absolutely no idea where he was or what happened. All that he remembered was that he went partying with his friends.
The man sat up, massaging with a groan his temples only to see Kaito entering the room merely in boxers, grinning at him and handing him a bucket.
"Morning Saguru-kun."
But before he could ask it already came up and Hakuba emptied his stomach into the bucket. Five minutes later which felt like an eternity to him his stomach was empty and he finally noticed in which shape he was. His back hurted. And above all... he was naked.
Blushing to his ears he pulled the blanket higher and stared in a priceless manner at the man.
"We didn't...! Did we?!"

Kaito crossed grinning his arms and nodded to confirm his suspicion.
"We did~ I like you drunk better, Saguru-kun."
Hakuba couldn't help than to jawdrop and Kaito bent down, kissing his cheek.
"Relax and take care of your hangover... I'll see you later then~"

Sometimes being drunk really opens doors.

...or people.

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