A merman's curse

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Aoko bursted out laughing as she saw her beloved childhood friend robbing himself in fury forward on the floor of the Nakamori household. She sure was used to surprises and wonders, but this was beyond her imagination.
Kaito had turned into a merman with a full grown fishy tail in a wonderful angel white with little hints of dark blue here and there, fins to match his outlooks at his ears and a few deep cuts inside his neck marked the gills.

"H-how did that happen...?!"
Poor Aoko was still trying to control her breath to not suffocate and whinced a few times, trying her best to suppress her laughflash. Kaito whined desperately at her, flashing in horror a glance to his wet tail.
"What do I know!! I woke up like this! Am I glad it's weekend... That's Akako's doing! That damned witch! Ahokoooo help meeee...!"
The magician wrinkled his nose and puffed in a pouting manner his cheeks as Aoko ran and fetched a wheelchair her father still owned from when he got shot at a crime scene. As she returned and hosted Kaito up into the seat Nakamori Ginzo was directly at her heel, wanting to see the miracle with his own eyes.
"K-Kaito-kun...?! What happened...?!"
"Jesus I don't know! Ugh. Get me into some water I-I feel like about to dry out..."

Kaito felt relief as he dove into the bathtub full of clear refreshing water and exhaled softly, beginning to relax. Worried, the female teen eyed her best friend up whose shirt was completed soaked.
"Aren't you gonna get rid of that shirt...?"
"Why should I? Or do you wanna admire my muscles~?"
This caused Aoko to flush deep red and within a second a bottle of soap rushed past Kaito's face which he avoided laughing.
"BAKAITO! Ugh. I'll get Akako... Stay here yes?"
She couldn't help than to chuckle a little at her own joke while Kaito rolled annoyedly his eyes and shoved his lower lip up in a sulking manner.
"Haha. How funny."

Sadly for Kaito, Akako knew he would be first thinking of her and went into hiding which meant Kaito had to spend the whole weekend trapped inside Aoko's bathtub, occasionally leaving it to eat or when one of them had to use the toilet.
Finally after Aoko returned from school, she had a lot of people at her heels. The fastest of them all was Hakuba Saguru who just wasn't able to believe that Kaito had turned into a merman and convinced himself it was all just a huge prank of him to fool them. Kudo Shinichi who had been attending the same university as both of them and couldn't believe either what Aoko told them. Ran who thought just the same was tagging along as well and finally Akako Koizumi as the last one.
She was definitely everything but in a hurry. After all, she enjoyed to see her favorite man to twist and turn in her magic spell.

At last, there was a knock on the bathroom door and Kaito inside let out a groan.
"Aoko? Finally! I've been dying in here of boredom! Did you bring some cards?! I gotta practise my magic! Sheesh, I'm feeling all naked without my equipment..."
But as the door opened both parties grew big eyes. Kaito was the first one to catch himself and facepalmed with a groan.
"Ahoko!! I only wanted Akako! Not anybody else! And what is Hakuba of all people doing here?!"
"Bakaito, as if I'd take their only chance to see you like this!"
She gestured with a giggle onto Kaito's long and smooth tail, causing the magician to sink deeper into his water, sulking with crossed arms.

While Ran suddenly began to squeal fangirlalike and whispered eagerly with Aoko how great this tail fit him and Akako stood smirking in the background the two detectives had two completely different reactions.
While Shinichi came closer and rested gently a hand on his tail as if to test it for any trap Saguru couldn't help than to burst out laughing, clunching his stomach with one hand.
"Bwahahaha!! I can't believe it!! I-I have to note that... 17:30:01:24... t-the time of where I-I found Kuroba-kun as a merman... H-how ironic...!"
Neither of the detectives backed away and Kaito had enough. With all his force he lifted his tail up and hit both Kudo and Hakuba hardly into their faces, sending them flying against the next wall and during the process splashing a huge amount of water out of the bathtub.
"Not my problem lazy girl!"

Akako finally stepped forward and smiled, a bottle inside her hands which she held out towards Kaito.
"I was simply trying to help you."
"Yes. With a tail I thought you might grow a little more comfortable around fish."
Kaito froze but silenced, finally a groan escaping his lips before he opened the tiny bottle and swallowed the fluid within one sip. A short electric shock rushed through his body... and the marvellous tail grew back into two shorter legs. The detectives slowly began to come to their senses and it happened only now that everybody including Kaito noticed:

Kaito only wore a shirt.


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