Girlfriend (NOT Hakukai even if it's about them)

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In all these months full of experience, reviving old traditions of his father and former Kaitou KID and both stress and joy of planning his next performances...
Kaito knew he had one of the most evil ideas in his mind he could think of. And a certain blonde would fall victim to it.

Dressed as one of the heads for a newspaper he sat in late evening at the stranger's desk, typing as fast as possible. He knew this would get him into huge trouble with Hakuba but a thief lives for danger, right?
...despite that his frustrated expression was worth so much more than all jewelry he had stolen up until now.

The next morning, Kaito joined Aoko and her father, Nakamori-keibu, at breakfast. A few eggs and bacon had been Aoko's choice to make today and Kaito eagerly inhaled the food, his sly eyes wandering again and again over to the innocent father who had no idea what he was about to face.
A scream indicated that yes, he had found the announcement. The head of the Nakamori household jumped from his seat and smashed the poor papers down onto the table. Kaito didn't flinch as he awaited this, and watched with joy his nostrils flaring.
"Now he went too far!! Whose number is that?! I swear whoever-"
His words trailed off as he realized something and immediately the inspector dashed to his cellphone, typing the number shown in the newspaper. Innocent as ever, Kaito leaned over and studied the page. There, big and flashy printed in the middle of it.

Wanted: Girlfriend
Seeker: Kaitou KID
Just call my number and see yourself~

With a number printed down below which of course was listed in Kaito's contacts as well. And whose number was it?
"H-hakuba?! You're the one who set up the announcement?! You're Kaitou KID!! Haha, I can't believe you were dumb enough to post your-"
The inspector got cut off in the middle of his sentence by a loud outnerved groan at the other end of the line. Kaito looked calm, but inside he was filled to the brim with joy and ready to explode into a laughflash.
Praise this pokerface.

Aoko furrowed her eyebrows and took a look at the newspaper article after she made sure the pan wouldn't rest on the stove anymore.
Her face literally turned cherry red in anger.

As soon as Kaito entered his school he could see the outnerved Hakuba sitting- well, rather leaning and that just so that he wouldn't fall off of his chair. The blonde looked utterly pissed. Manners and politeness aside, as soon as he saw his nemesis, the blonde gritted his teeth.
"You'll pay for that Kuroba...!"
"What do you mean Hakuba-kun?" the thief gently cooed in a voice which always let Aoko's fury settle down. Hakuba blinked once, twice, then groaned and his head fell down on his table.
"I hate you and this day."
That his plan would backfire so bad, Kaito had no idea until his next heist.

His escape was marvellous. Despite having to leave his hangglider behind, Kaitou KID left the place of act with a new treasure inside his pockets. Hopeful, he held the smaragd up into the moonlight, yet another failure greeted him.
He made a small disapproving sound but kept his smile. He wasn't ever allowed to let anybody or anything shatter his pokerface. That changed as a highpitched scream reached his ears and he spun around, only to face a huge crowd of fangirls and a girl he had known as Sonoko at the top.
How they had found him, he had no idea. For now, an elegant escape was definitely necessary.

He spun around and dashed off, letting out a halfhearted whine.
"I-I'm sorry, but I have to take my leave now!"
No matter how fast he ran, he couldn't shake the fangirls screaming his name off. And he didn't have any disguise left to blend into the crowd...! This time, he really was in trouble.

And who initiated this all?

A certain blonde who told a mass of fangirls that KID-sama would be behind the building, searching for a girl to take home.

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