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How could I have been so incredible dumb? Shinichi mentally scoffed. It was cold, like, horrible cold and Shinichi still wore this stupid maid dress Kaitou KID had forced him into. This time he knew for sure, he wouldn't leave this heist unharmed. What on earth had gotten into him to continue the chase?
But now it was too late. Step by step he forced himself to continue, each time sinking only further into the snow covering the area.

Everything was just stupid for him. Stupid KID. Stupid heist in a ski resort. Stupid snow. Stupid storm. Stupid task force who couldn't catch a single hint of his. Stupid cold. Stupid maid dress. Stupid pervy old men who had lusted after him.

The snow storm threated to take his orientation, Shinichi had no idea where the heck he was. He barely felt his legs by now, no wonder, only silk kneesocks covered them.
Why did I ran after the KID?! Why did the KID have to hold a heist here?! The first time he actually can blend with his costume into the surroundings...
Shinichi nearly snorted. One of his best ideas, definitely. 'Follow the man with a white costume into a snow storm while the only clothing covering him is maid dress'. He had no idea where KID hid his clothes anyway. Not that he had spent a thought on searching through the house once he had his prey running from him.

Shinichi breathed out a shaky sigh, watching the cloud dissolve into thin air. Another gust of wind blew his short skirt up and he did his best to hold it down.
"Why do I even bother..." the detective muttered, his mind slowly shutting down.
"I'm all alone and KID is probably long gone... I'm lost and the storm is getting worse. I'm going to die in here..."
He felt it. Any second his legs would give in. Any second now. Warmth came over him and he didn't know why. He was cold, wasn't he?
Why... why did he feel so warm... collapsing into the beautiful snow...


Shinichi heard the soft and calm noises of fire eating away on wood as he finally returned to his senses. What happened? he thought, unable to pry his eyes open yet. It was warm, wherever he was. Warm, comfortable and this smell... he knew this smell from his time as Conan. KID...? Shinichi mused surprised. Did KID save him?
Finally he could bring himself to open his eyes and met a white fabric covering his face. Shinichi frowned and took slow and small breaths to calm down, trying to maintain the illusion of him still being unconcious. He needed to let all this information sink in.
Shinichi woke up in a warm place, heard a fireplace. The surface he rested upon was soft and warm too. A body? Now that he thought about it, he didn't exactly lay either. Did he sit on someone's lap? A white cloth covered his face and most likely the rest of his body, too.
The only possible scenario-

"Meitantei, relax. It's just me. Don't worry," said a voice right next to his ear.
Shinichi unwillingly gasped and stiffed even further before he pulled down the white cloth covering his face. He needed to adjust for a moment to the light coming from the fireplace in front of him before he could take a look around. Slender arms around his chest and waist kept him in place but if he needed to make a choice, he wouldn't want to get off either.
Shinichi sat on KID's lap, covered by both his coat and jacket, as close as possible to a lit fireplace.
"I hope you don't mind your condition, dear detective, because it was the best way to warm your frozen self. Despite that, you make a very good blanket..."
Said male gently nuzzled his nose into the crook of the detective's neck, relaxing against him once more. Shinichi rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress the small smile appearing on his lips.
"It's your fault anyway, idiot. You stuffed me into that embarassing maid outfit. I had to run around like that in front of the whole taskforce, Hakuba and Hattori. And other residents in that resort!"
"You shouldn't have ran after me," contered the thief with a shrug. "I'm just glad I stumbled over you."

Both of them remained in silence, Shinichi just glad he finally felt warmth flowing through his body and KID easing from a successful heist.
"...what time is it, KID?"
Shinichi knew KID had taken his phone along with his clothes since it had been nowhere in that maid outfit.
"Almost midnight," came the immediate response. Shinichi's shoulders slumped down in defeat. Great, he could almost bet on about 10 missed calls of Heiji and 2 of Saguru. And the rest of Ran.
"Don't you think it's time to explain me where I am?"
"You're on my lap and don't seem to dislike it~" cooed the gentleman thief and earned himself a smack on his arm.
"Fine fine. A house I've chosen to stay in beforehand. The owner only visits twice a year as vacation. It has only one bed, so... either you choose to sleep on the ground or with me. Or you leave into the snow storm, but then I can't guarantee to find you again."

Shinichi felt his eye twitching at the nerve KID had but at least he didn't kick him out. He had no other choice than to stay over with him.
"...truce?" he offered, flashing a glance back at the hidden face behind him.
"Truce. On one condition. Don't try to take a look at my face."
"I won't," he ensured, feeling the thief relax in the same second. Slowly he started to become sleepy again. All the stress vanished out of his muscles and the Kaitou chuckled behind him, feeling exactly that.
"Not yet, Meitantei. I understand I'm fairly comfortable, but I still have some food to prepare~"
Shinichi blushed and immediately got up right away, earing a startled squeak of his companion.
"T-then what are we waiting for? I'm going to help."
"Uhm..." KID started but trailed off again, unsure what to answer on that. But he didn't miss that small smirk on Shinichi's lips as he fell speechless.

Minutes later both stood inside the kitchen, Shinichi still in his maid dress and completely oblivious to the appreciating stares of the KID. The soft hissing pan and brooding pots promised a good dinner and KID, as unbelievable as it had been, had brought beforehand enough food for both of them. Both worked together pretty well as a team, Shinichi didn't have to ask for spices as KID handed them to him once he thought of it and KID did the exact same, he needed to spare a single glance at an utensil and immediately Shinichi held it out towards him.
As they finally sat down with a good meal on the table, both ate in silence. But it wasn't a tensed one, it was a calm and precious silence. A quiet truce, a promise to accept each other's near and it surprised both of them how relaxed they felt. While KID used to be on the run once he had caught a glance of his Meitantei and Shinichi tried to reveal and spoil all of KID's plans, no one had ever imagined these two to share a peaceful dinner.


One bedroom.

One bed.

Two persons.

Shinichi groaned out and earned himself a smack of KID who enjoyed to see him embarassed.
"Well, it's your choice what you do."
Out of his eyecorner Shinichi saw the gentleman thief undressing and noticed the soft flutters of butterflies inside his gut. The red tie carelessly slid down onto the ground, the blue hemd slowly uncovered the toned shoulders, further down his arms, chest and to his abs until it was completely gone.
Wrong moment Shinichi, wrong moment for wrong thoughts! he mentally slapped himself to calm down. But a detective liked to observe, didn't he? His belt unbuckled and the white pants fell down; Shinichi swallowed and his mouth became dry until something else caught his vision.
"KID, say..."
Said male looked curious up. Shinichi fiddled a little with his words and finally aimed his finger at a few scars all over his abdomen, softly poking one of them.
"This... what is this, KID? What are all these scars? Looks like bulletwounds. Some older... some new. What on earth...?"
Shinichi looked utterly shocked and KID breathed out a sigh, turning away to avoid the question. Unfortunately, this gave Shinichi a free view onto his in stone carved back muscles and a gust of the Kaitou's masculine cologne found its way into his nose.
"Sorry Meitantei, but some things are not meant for your ears."
Shinichi felt the incredible urge to drill further but he had to hold back, he wasn't in a good position to pester the thief he would spend his night with. Not unless he never wanted to see his clothes again.

Finally the male overcame his embarassment and disposed himself of the maid outfit. Much to his embarassment he realized KID had changed his underwear, too, into red lingerie. Shinichi looked up with his face as red as a cherry and faced the smug phantom thief.
"Seriously?! I swear, KID, once I wake up tomorrow you better hand me my clothes back or I'll chase you with everything I can find in this house to kill you!"
Grumbling he slipped underneath the covers and the matress next to him moving indicated that the phantom did just the same.
"Don't worry Shin-chan, just sleep."
"Don't call me that idiot!"
Much to his surprise he found his sleep faster than expected, unaware of the faintest blush KID had presented him with once he had seen him in the sexy lingerie.

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