A night's promise

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Conan did not expect that. Of all places he had to injure himself it turned out to be KID's heist. A man, obviously related to the black organization, shot at him. Twice. It didn't kill him, he simply fell... but he couldn't move any further.
It was until soft yet strong arms grabbed him in midair and Conan felt a comfortable warmth flowing through his body. Relaxing slowly while the pain made him grow numb, he leaned into these warm arms and closed his eyes, drifting into unconciousness.

As he woke up he still laid in these warm arms. A mere whimper of his resulted into an immediate answer.
"Are you awake Meitantei...? How do you feel?"
Obviously, he had been treated because the pain wasn't half as worse as before. And this voice... nickname...
"Yes. It's me."
Conan opened his eyes to find himself on top of the roof, sitting on the magicians lap and cuddled into his chest, Kaito's jacket keeping him warm. Immediately the boy began to blush.
"W-where are we?! Don't tell me you kidnapped me!"

Kaito chuckled and tilted his head, his familiar smirk appearing on his lips.
"Sort of did, yeah. But I had to. I couldn't let you fall into your death. Snake is gone as well... Nobody is going to hurt you Meitantei. I treated your wounds, too."
The child finally noticed the sorrow and worry Kaito had in his voice, obviously the magician felt guilty for his rule to be broken.

Nobody ever gets hurt at a heist of Kaito KID.

The boy sighed softly and turned to watch the city lights illuminating their surroundings.
"So... what now?"
"I'm bringing you home. Your Ran nee-chan should be worried you didn't return."
Conan gave a simple nod, he still felt incredible exhausted through all this exitement. He didn't struggle as KID raised himself and fell off of the roof with him tight in his grip, the chibi detective somehow... trusted him.
After all, he really did save his life beforehand.

The soft breeze of wind played with his hair, the boy trembled slightly in the cold which didn't get unnoticed by KID. He wrapped his jacket once more around Conan, holding him safely against his warm chest to ease the boy.
Once they finally arrived at Ran's house Kaito, who could be surprised about that, entered through the window Conan's room and laid the chibi detective down into his bed. The thief bent down and pressed a gentle kiss onto Conan's hand, showing a warm smile.
"Recover fast, Meitantei... It would be a shame to have you missing my next heist."
The boy looked tiredly up at him.
"...will... will you come back again? To... meet me?"
Kaito surely was surprised by this but nodded lightly, holding himself back from teasing the boy.
"Whenever you wish to see me... I will be there."

Heavy and fast footsteps turned boths attention to the door which flung open in the next second and Ran bursted into the room, crying out in relief as she saw Conan inside his bed.
"CONAN-KUN! I-I heard voices...! Are you alright?!"
The girl immediately rushed to hug him and the boy simply smiled.
"Y-yeah I am... a phantom saved me..."

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