A Persistant Tantei-san

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Cries of fury emitted from outside the elevator Kaito KID had blocked, the task force was furious. The thief seemed trapped with nowhere to run, he was so close and yet the doors were too thick to just force open.

Kaito mused, enjoying the screams and yells of his enemies for a longer second until he took out a small screwdriver, prying open the lid which revealed his escape into a dark passage. It didn't take much of a talent to hoist himself up and on top of the small elevator, it was one of these moments where Kaito really preferred his ichthyophobia over the claustrophobia.

Searching in his coat he soon fiddled with his grappling hook and shot into nowhere, tugging once at the end to find out it was properly fixed. Slowly the voices became quieter as he pulled himself up, somehow disappointed that his heist was about to end.

At the end of his way he found a small door he had prepared beforehand and slipped through without any further trouble.
But that was only because his further trouble awaited him at the last part of his escape, wearing a trenchcoat and the familiar Sherlock Holmes hat. Hakuba stared at Kaito, satisfaction spreading across his face to reveal his deductions as true.

"KID. I knew you'd show up here, it was only a matter of time. By the way... I already contacted Nakamori-keibu. You have ten seconds and 25 milliseconds left before they will storm this room."
His slim lips curled up into a challenging and arrogant smirk, completely sure he cornered the thief.
"What is your next move, KID?"

A pokerface made of stone on his face, Kaito chuckled and cocked his head to the left, playing his innocent yet superior role.
"That is nine seconds more than I need, Tantei-san."
Alarmed by his sudden movement Hakuba tried to get a hold of Kaito as he stormed at him and grabbed his shoulders, pushing himself up and jumping with a small salto over him.
As elegant as ever, he landed behind him and made a dash for the window Hakuba had been guarding the whole time.

Glass shattered as the thief jumped out of it and in the same second he was falling, someone grabbed his leg. It was no one else than the half brit who kept a tight grip on the magician.
"You're not getting away KID! Not today!"
Kaito shrieked in surprise (he will deny it later, a phantom thief doesn't shriek) and horror spread in his eyes as he helplessly kicked into nowhere to get rid of the nosy detective, yet to no avial.
"H-hakuba let go of me! My hangglider is too weak for two people!"
"Shut your mouth and concentrate on steering!" came the nervous reply.

Indeed, Kaito had no other choice than to try and land somewhere safely inside this huge forest stretched around the museum he had been holding his heist in. The hangglider threatingly cracked and suddenly jolted as a hard breeze hit the fabric, followed by a scream of a terrified Hakuba who lost his grip.
Diving after him this instant Hakuba soon managed to grab Kaito's hand, yanking the thief further down with him. Kaito desperately tried to regain control over his gadget but it was no use; at least the hangglider caught a bit of their fall as they crashed into a large tree down below.

Kaito lazily opened his eyes, his whole body ached and he was pretty sure he caught a lot of blue marks in his fall.
"At least no bones are broken..." he realized as he fished in his pockets for the bracelet he stole today. Safely kept in his pocket and without a scratch, good, that was Lady Luck on his side. He needed to be careful as he slowly pried himself out of the bushes he landed inside, his hangglider spread all across the tree in hundreds of pieces.
But there was something else inside the tree, he started to notice.


His detective was tangled above him, unconcious and full of cuts and bruises, just like Kaito was. In fact he looked like somebody threw him as laundry over a branch...
Kaito had paled since long as he tried to climb up the tree, fishing Hakuba out of his miserable situation and slowly letting himself with the detective over his shoulder down.
At least the moon gave a bit of light inside this dark forest, it was enough to search the detective for any worse wounds.

Fortunately for him, all he could discover was a twisted ankle and a few sprained ribs. His pulse remained strong, his breath steady...
"He'll make it."
That brought him to the next problem. Both stranded in the middle of nowhere, no idea how long they needed by foot to reach civilization and moreover, once Hakuba woke up he definitely would be a pain in the ass trying to uncover Kaito's face.

Sighing softly he slipped his hand into a few of Hakuba's pockets until he found what he had searched for, his phone. Kaito searched through his contacts and soon enough picked Baaya's number before hosting him up onto his back to give him a piggy back ride.

After an eternity of dragging the fainted blonde through the forest, he slowly began to regain conciousness. His head ached, he must have blacked out after they had crashed.
Hakuba tiredly opened his golden eyes, surprised to find moving feet in front of his nose. It lasted a few seconds until he had realized something gave him a piggy back ride and another few until he recognized this person to be no other than KID.

His eyes slowly darted over to the thief's head, careful to not make any motion and inform him of his regained mind. Much to his displeasure, he found the monocle still in place and from his angle it was impossible to get a better look of his features.
"Are you awake Tantei-san?"
Not wanting to lie in such a moment, Hakuba gave a small nod and exhaled softly against his ear, resting once again his chin on the magician's shoulder and staring into the dark forest.

"Where are we KID...?"
"Obviously inside the forest we crashed into. I allowed myself to call your Baaya and inforn her of your condition."
"...my condition?"
The phantom thief chuckled, this was one of the rare moments he could call the detective dense.
"Your ankle is twisted and your ribs sprained. I had luck and fell into bushes... you landed on a hard branch."

The half brit wrinkled his nose, by now his mind recognized the sharp pain inside his foot as well. A little beaten he closed his eyes and pulled out his phone, turning on the flashlight and brighting the way for Kaito. That was the least he could do to help in his condition.
"What time is it?"
"Exactly 1:20am, 54 seconds and 12 milliseconds."
"Darn it... We're here since an hour... I hope we're gonna reach a street soon, I doubt I can carry you another full hour."
Guilt spread over the detective's face as he flashed another glance at KID, silent for a short while.

"...I'm sorry."

Said magician raised his eyebrows, letting out a small breath of exhaustion.
"How come you say this?"
"This wouldn't have happened if I wouldn't have jumped after you out of the window. I'm sorry."
"Tantei-san, this is your job. I don't blame you for this. Next time I'll make my hangglider strong enough for two people..."
A small smirk appeared on Hakuba's lips, taking this secret invitation with pleasure.
"Next time I will catch you, Kuroba Kaito."
"If you say so~ My name is still not Kuroba Kaito tho."

Silence followed once more, yet it was no problem to find another topic to talk about. Of all the conversations Hakuba had had with Kaito, this was the most relaxed and fun. Both kept chatting over mindless things to overcome the endless time alone and distract Kaito from his exhaustion; and after a long time both finally reached the museum where everything had begun.

The thief gently sat Hakuba onto the ground, leaned against one of the many cars parked on the spot and smiled at him.
"Good luck next time, Tantei-san. You will need it to catch me."
"I will look forward on chasing you again, KID. And next time I won't make it that easy for you."

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