Two flowers, One Day

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Hakuba stood in line at the florist's, ready to pick up a bouquet of roses he had ordered beforehand, each rose carefully chosen by the fragile girl, picked for his use. Today was the day he had come to hate since three years, the tragic death of his aunt in a car accident. As always, on her exact death date and time, he would lay down a bouquet of her favorite roses and smile upon her grave he demanded to take care of.
"Hakuba-san... It's this time of the year again, hm?"
"Yeah... a wonder you still remember it."

The sheepish girl held out the roses towards him and a blush of embarassment lasted on her cheeks. Hakuba visited her quite often, just to chat over a cup of damping green tea. She and Saguru were close friends since about a year, she didn't share his obsession for crimes nor Sherlock Holmes, yet was a girl able to listen and sooth at any kind of situation. Fame made lonely... and Hakuba clearly felt it. But she, she always had been there to accept him without his fame as a detective.
Just as a rose he was willing to protect.
Just as a dear friend he would never loose.

His car parked on the sidewalk, the male himself already on his way past the cemetary gates. A peaceful silence awaited him, the gravedigger greeting him with an encouraging smile and Hakuba mindlessly waved, it was a stranger he had seen here and there but his kindhearted smile was enough to tell him he was a good person. Hakuba could have closed his eyes, he would have always found the grave of his dear family member.
A small gaze onto his watch, at the exact time he fell onto his knees and rested the roses upon the stone, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Today... today you would be 37... how funny hm? Your death was the first case I had solved on my own. I was fourteen years old at that time..."

Despite the melancholic atmosphere, a smile made its way onto Hakuba's face.
"You would have been proud of me to this very day... You always cheered for me, encouraged me... you, my dear aunt..."
Hakuba forced his tears back as best as he could, he wouldn't have dared to cry in front of his aunt's grave. He needed to be strong... strong for her, the person who watched him from above. The detective breathed out a sigh and flashed a glance upwards into the orange sky, announcing the sunset to approach this second.
"Don't worry... I will continue to make you proud."

He wanted to raise himself but froze in the same movement, slumping back down onto his knees. Further away yet close enough for him to recognize stood a person in white.
"Kaitou KID..." he mouthed, eyes wide in shock. What did Kaitou KID do in here?
"Ah... I forgot..." Hakuba murmured, remembering the newspaper article from yesterday about a heist near the cemetery. All sadness washed away this instant, he went into hiding behind the gravestone of his aunt, observing his target. He pulled out a small pair of binoculars he usually kept to look out for his pet Watson and aimed at KID, trying to see what he did here.

KID stood in front of a grave, a bunch of blue roses inside his arms. Obviously selfcoloured, Hakuba noted. He couldn't make out his facial features but KID seemed to have a personal connection to the grave. God... did he just wipe a tear?
"Just a bit closer..."
Hakuba yearned for a better view of the mysterious thief and inched closer, in his impatience stumbling over a stone and falling face first into the grass. Startled by this KID looked up, meeting just a baffled face as he showed. Both males just stared at each other, unable to say a word, until Kaito was the one to break the silence.

Remembering his position the detective profoundly blushed and hastily got up back onto his feet again, dusting off his clothes.
Not wanting him to think he had interrupted his sorrow just because he liked it, he fiddled with his words to put up an excuse.
"I-I... I was visiting my aunt's grave. What are you doing here KID?"
Now the thief finally recognized his situation and for a second his eyes shot up wide, realizing he had revealed a name of his private life to a detective.
"Uhm... I just visited the grave of my idol."
He helplessly motioned onto the grave of a man. Hakuba breathed out a sigh and crossed his arms, one short glance had revealed the name of Kaito's father Kuroba Toichi.
"Don't lie to me. You've been crying, you're really attached to that man."

He only bluffed since he couldn't have been sure from the distance before but as Kaito now grew big eyes and hastily wiped around his visible eye, he had his proof. Hakuba raised his eyebrows, expecting some answers, but much to his surprise Kaitou KID's shoulders slumped down in a defeated manner.
"Yeah yeah, don't give me that look Tantei-san. He... he was the original Kaitou KID."
Hakuba's eyes grew big and immediately he had his answer, with a smirk he grabbed the thief's hand and held it firm.
"Kuroba Toichi, that means only a person close to him would know about his secret persona, a relative such as Kuroba Kaito. I have my proof. But..."
Hakuba hesitated and flashed a glance at his aunt's grave.
" aren't an ordinary criminal... and your reasons, whatever they may be, aren't bad either... you kept a boy's eyes closed before he could discover his father's terrible double life, after all. Leave KID... This once I'll keep an eye shut."

KID blinked twice in surprise, puzzled by Hakuba's weird behavior. He didn't move an inch, and the detective across of him slowly became impatient.
"What are you still doing here? Do you want to be caught so bad?"
"N-nono. Just, Tantei-san... why wouldn't you join my heist today?"
"Regardless if I would, we both would be too late. You have three minutes left and need to reach that building over there."
His eyes grew wide and with a cry of desperation KID swiftly picked up the detective from the ground, letting his hangglider lift both of them high into the air. Hakuba could do nothing but yelp, his hands tangling themselves into Kaito's suit as he watched the ground distance itself further and further.
Said magician flinched and let out a laugh.
"Relax and enjoy your personal tour, Tantei-san."

Hakuba scowled at the cheeky male and forced himself to relax, even tho his hands kept clinging onto the white suit. He had to admite tho, the view was breathtaking.

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