Hakuba's birthday

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Kaito KID was able to analyze situations within seconds, make out all possible escapes in the rush of battle and had the intelligence to fool hundreds of policemen, with two sharp detectives after him too.
Regarding his abilities it was only natural that remembering the birthdays of his closest ones was a piece of cake.

He daily pranked him, humiliated him in front of classmates and teachers, heck, even in media and in front of police. This one day, his birthday, was a day where he would plan to do good to him. Hakuba was a brat... and yet an important part of his life, his detective, his enemy to enchant.

As the day of the days finally arrived and Hakuba lazily opened his eyes, he found a smell to be pretty unusual for this occasion. The smell of a typical English breakfast, he noted; and that right next to him with a good cup of his favorite tea, still damping
Baaya had been out of the Hakuba manori, was it her work despite that?
Nevertheless he slowly lifted the tray onto his lap and gratefully smiled in thought as he took a small sip of the hot liquid, allowing it to leave a sweet taste on his tongue.
Whoever it had been to gift him with this, that person surely made a marvellous tea.

Once the tray was empty Hakuba pried himself out of his king sized bed with a soft yawn, changing into his school wear and heading into the kitchen. As he predicted, there was no sign of Baaya.
Sighing he took out his bento box and various goods from the fridge in attempt to prepare a small meal for himself but as he opened the box... it was filled to the edge with delicious food, prepared exactly how he loved it.

Hakuba sweatdropped, this was starting to become extremly creepy. Who on earth made breakfast and bento for him if not Baaya? He was alone in this house. Right?
The tiny hairs on his neck raised themselves as a cold shiver went down his spine. A breakin? But why on earth should any normal thief make food for him?
Normal thief?
"God. Kuroba."
Realization hit him like a train and in the next second he fled into the bathroom, stretching out his tongue in front of the large mirror on the wall.
"...no sign of abnormal colours... Dear Kami-sama did he pour laxativa into my food?!"

The blonde detective rested a hand on his stomach, swallowing hardly. He felt sick to the boot but he knew it was only the result of his heart almost hammering inside his chest. All Hakuba could do was to wait and see how things would turn as he made his way towards Ekoda highschool.

To his surprise the classroom wasn't an utter chaos:
Everybody sat on their seats, everything was organized and no pranks whatsoever were visible. His golden eyes rested upon the magician who mindlessly chatted with Aoko, not paying any attention to others.
Once again a shiver ran over his back, Kuroba planned something and he could smell it. Literally.
On his desk was a small piece of cake, with a snap of the thief's fingers everybody else received one as well. Aoko approached the detective and gave him a small hug.
"Happy Birthday Hakuba-kun! Don't worry, I prepared that cake and not Bakaito."
"Thank you Aoko-sama. I appreciate it, really."

Hakuba put on a smile to the evil game of the magician he thought he was in, once more he could feel these indigo eyes secretly piercing through him as he chatted with Aoko. And yet he kept quiet.

Once school ended for him and late afternoon approached him, Hakuba was on his way back home. This day had been one of the scariest so far, there was no prank the whole day and Kaito never made any snarky remark. He would have enjoyed it a lot if it wasn't for the fact that Kaito never made a normal day possible.
A flapping noise pulled Hakuba out of his thoughts as he closed in to his house, the source of it a white dove with a small KID card inside its claws. It was dropped right into the detective's hands and with that the dove flew off again.
Much to his surprise it wasn't a new heist riddle but an invitation.
"Join me at 21:30 on the clock tower, I have to give you something. -Kaito KID"

His curiosity got the best out of him and so the blonde found himself the same evening climbing the stairs to the roof. At the door he hesitated, god, did he really collect enough bravery for this? A small click was audible as he pressed down onto the grip, it was open.
As careful as ever he snuck onto the roof, closing the door behind him. The wind sent chills down his spine, at least he had a marvellous view onto the city sparkling brilliant beneath him.
But to his surprise, he was alone.

Right as the clock indicated 21:30, rockets fired up into the sky, creating a marvellous wallpaper of so many different colours, all mixed together and shining brighter than the stars themselves. Hakuba couldn't help than to stare, his mouth wide open, such a performance and just for him? What on earth was KID trying to do?
But since he was alone on this roof he began to relax, enjoying the firework with a sweet smile on his lips. It was made for him.

"I see I impressed you~" said a voice right next to his ear, startling the detective who jumped a step further, blushing in the process.
"KID jesus christ! Don't sneak up on people like that!"
Slowly the fireworks began to die out as the thief deeply bowed towards him, letting a white rose appear inside his hand. Unfortunately for him, Hakuba wasn't able to see his face just like always.
"W-why did you ask me here KID."
"Isn't that obvious? Today is your birthday Tantei-san, and I came to celebrate it."
Hakuba frowned, surprise sprawled across his usual arrogant pokerface. Kaito KID wanted to celebrate his birthday? No pranks, nothing at all? He realized at this moment KID merely had been trying his best to present him a day just how he loved it. Calm, organized and with his favorite food.

The thief held a small package out towards him, decorated with a red bow. Judging by his deductions, Hakuba was completely sure the form resembled a book.
"Happy Birthday Hakuba. I found out this is the only Sherlock Holmes novel you don't possess."
His eyes grew wide as he opened the package and really found a novel inside, the one he had been chasing after with equal passion as he chased after KID. Resisting the urge to hug the magician Hakuba smiled as bright as ever, an expression of gratefulness and happiness on his face.

"Thank you KID... I've been so scared the entire day because absolutely nothing happened."
"My apologies, I didn't mean to scare you by that. I just thought you might enjoy a normal day... for once."
"I did, I really did."
Finally giving in to the urge Hakuba pulled the flattered magician into a tight hug, resting his chin on his shoulder.
"Thank you for putting such effort into me... I'll make sure to revenge myself on your birthday."

The thief was left in surprise as he slowly wrapped his arms around the exited detective, soon enough easing into his arms as well.
"I will look forward to it, Tantei-san."

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