Texting 1(Kaishin)

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Shinichi couldn't help it, since days he felt watched and it drove him near insanity. He couldn't be sure wether it would be the Black Organisation or any else criminals who wanted to set an end to his life. By now the only persons he was able to trust were Haibara Ai, Hattori Heiji and professor Agasa. Of course there were others as well yet he couldn't afford to put them into danger.

It wasn't that he never had faced such a situation but this really left him baffled. At some point, someday, he always had found out about the person collecting information about him, no matter if a random criminal or somebody dangerous from the Black Organisation. But this time there wasn't any hint, nothing at all to work with and still it felt like he wasn't even safe inside his own walls.

Said detective plopped down on his bed and pulled out his phone, shifting into a little more comfortable position. With a deep sigh he unlocked it and immediately froze. There was a text on his phone. Not WhatsApp, not facebook, or any else messenger. It was an SMS. Obviously the number wasn't important to the culprit, that allowed Shinichi to at least find out who owned the phone.

Good afternoon, Meitantei.

"Good... afternoon... Meitantei?" repeated Shinichi a little baffled. There was only one person who called him that and immediately his deductions went further; realization hit him like a train.
"KID had been following me around?!"
Furiously, the male sat up right away again and typed a well thought answer to this greeting.
KID?! Look, if you are the one following me and spying on me all those days I'll send you with a soccer ball straight down the roof on your next heist!!
Shinichi almost could see his counterpart smirking on the other side of the phone, he clutched the small device inside his hands as he finally raised himself out of his bed. He as well could get himself a mug of coffee while waiting for that wannabe thief's answer. Perhaps contact Nakamori-keibu as well? He after all was the one responsible for KID cases, he could track down the number and arrest that bastard this instant. But something made Shinichi hesitate to dial the number of the Keibu right away, his curiosity got the best out of him. This was his chance to talk close to face to face to the marvellous magician below the moonlight, Kaitou KID.

While he stood next to the coffee machine, listening to the gentle buzzing of red machine producing his life elixir, his phone vibrated inside his hand. Not bothering to put Kaitou KID before his favorite coffee, the detective patiently took the full mug out of the machine and sat down at the kitchen table, taking a careful sip of the black liquid and shortly closing his eyes to let it sink in. Finally, he unlocked his phone again and immediately another text confronted him. Indeed, it was KID.
That's pretty rude, Meitantei. Considering I took all this effort to spend some time with you, you could be a bit nicer. But don't you worry Shin-chan, I am not mad~

"Nicer?! Shin-chan?!"
Completely taken aback by this arrogance Shinichi couldn't do better than to stare at his phone. He wanted to teach the thief a good lesson, a good old soccer ball inside his face would beat some reasoning into his thick skull.
Don't call me that. What do you want KID?! To terrorize me like this, I thought someone wants to kill me!
The detective let out an annoyed huff and instead switched to WhatsApp to contact his best friend Heiji, not in the mood to deal with the awful thief any longer. At the same time, with texting Heiji he knew he just desperately tried to find a reason to stay on the phone.
Heiji you won't believe it. KID just contacted me. Per SMS. I'll see if I can-
He froze inside his typing as his phone buzzed another time, signalizing an answer of the phantom thief. Without continuing his text to Heiji he switched to the other open tab and scanned through the words meant for only his eyes.

My apologies, I didn't mean to scare you. Could I cheer you up with some dinner? I certainly won't kill you but I plan to steal your heart.

Silence filled the cold kitchen as Shinichi merely stared at his phone. Slowly he closed the WhatsApp tab, deleting like that his unfinished text for Heiji and fully focused onto the cheeky phantom. What could he answer now? He absolutely wasn't in the mood to meet up with him, on the other hand, he perhaps could catch a glance at KID's true identity. Shinichi could go, expose him and get him arrested, and then everything would be over. The male took another sip of his coffee, letting the warm liquid fill his mouth as he thought it over. Finally, Shinichi decided for an answer yet another text message interrupted him.
Of course I will be wearing a mask to hide my identity, so please forget your plans of exposing me.
"H-how did he...?!" spat the surprised detective and immediately looked left and right, searching for any object which didn't belong into his kitchen and could have filmed him, but there was none. How could he read Shinichi with such ease and precision? Ah, he needed to go or else he wouldn't find anything out. With regained eagerness, his fingers flew over the letters.
I'll go as long as I can choose the place.

Almost immediately the answer came, along with a small heart emoji at the end.
I planned to let you choose from the beginning. How about I will pick you up at eight? Don't worry, I can drive.
A smile forced its way onto Shinichi's lips.
Yes, that's perfectly fine.
KID didn't answer anymore, the conversation had obviously ended for him. Shinichi flashed a glance onto his watch, still two hours left. Enough time to order a police squad towards the chosen place and prepare his role of the decoy. Despite this somewhat being his business, Shinichi couldn't help but think of this evening the whole time.
He had a date with Kaitou KID.

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