Gosho Revenge

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He went too far.
All of them knew that.

Hakuba Saguru had enough. It was the eighth time in this month Kuroba Kaito coloured his hair and dressed him in a different outfit. An embarassing outfit.

Hattori Heiji had enough. Kaito played tricks on him since he got introduced to him, simply because he adored his 'hotblooded reactions'.

Kudo Shinichi had enough. Kaito masked himself so many times as him and played as Shinichi pranks on everyone, causing the poor detective to get his ass kicked whenever he tried to hang out with friends.

They all decided this time, it would be Kaito who would face a prank. And which day would better than his upcoming birthday?

Kaito had a normal day, well, normal in Kaito's case of course. Coloured doves, confetti everywhere and the magician jumping over chairs and tables to escape his best friend Nakamori Aoko and her mop.
But as soon as lunch break arrived, he was certainly surprised to find the three detectives in the school yard, obviously waiting for someone which turned out to be himself. With mischievous smiles they all greeted Kaito and shook his hand, resulting Heiji to shock himself at a handshocker Kaito used.
Kaito bursted out giggling and let the hotblooded detective of the west chase him around Kudo and Hakuba, him cursing in a manner Nakamori-keibu would have been proud of.

Once they all calmed halfway down, Kaito of course still giggling like a madman, Shinichi smirked at him.
"Well, we came to give you our congratulations for your birthday... and we prepared something too~ A little surprise to thank you for all these months."
Kaito grew big eyes and he gasped in exitement.
"For real?!"
"For real. 12:29:17:22... the perfect time of our surprise approaches."
The magician grew extremly suspicious tho as Saguru and Heiji grabbed him both left and right at his arms, their grip as hard as iron.
"Uhm... Guys?"

It was only as Shinichi approached him that Kaito realized what was going on. Shinichi held a plate with a huge, empty eyed and silver creature... with candles on top of it.
"Happy Birthday Kaito-kun~"
Kaito stared in horrify onto the fish Shinichi held with a devilish grin out towards him and finally, his vocal chords began to work again.
But no matter how much he struggled, Saguru and Heiji never lost their grip on him while the detective of the east came closer and closer with the fish, letting the magician grow desperate.
"Won't you blow the candles out~?"

Pure amusement was written over all of their faces as they saw the horrified magician twist and turn in their grip and if it wouldn't have been for Akako and Aoko to save him, Kaito surely would have passed out. Panting, he knelt in front of them and tried to get over this shock with Akako keeping him in her soft embrace.
Now it was Aoko's turn.
With her beloved mop.


The two remaining detectives turned pale as they saw Saguru holding his head with a groan.
"W-we're sorry!"
"Ya can't be mad! I'm tellin' ya Kaito did worse!"

At least the magician got the best birthday present he ever received from Aoko.

The beautiful view of a furious girl chasing three horrified detectives over the school ground.

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