Declaration of Love 1 (Shinkai)

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A request done, as wished by the audience. I hope the outcome pleases you, my dear fan.

Kaitou KID knew once he saw his best critic, Kudo Shinichi, for the first time on the clock tower, he wouldn't ever forget him. This Meitantei would cause him a lot of trouble; his smile alone spoke thousands of words. As wind seemed to consume him, the thrilling cries of taskforce and fans filling his ears with an unbreakable wall of noise, his freedom only a faint spark of hope and his death near, this one person he had seen inside this helicopter was the one to blame for his situation.

Fortunately for him, Shinichi had never stopped attending his heists. It was fairly interesting for Kaitou KID to observe his favorite critic, dressing up to deceive him became a real challenge for him and god, he loved it. These piercing eyes, his trail of thoughts, the way he touched his chin during his deductions... Kaito never stopped to inhale all these observations, to find a human being so interesting definitely wasn't normal. He wanted to read him, read all his oh so little changes in emotion and find a method to break the male's pokerface. The victorious smirk carved into his face as into stone, he wanted to treasure it forever, the way his eyes sparkled once he figured out his plan drove him crazy.
At first he seemed sure of Shinichi merely being a human to experiment at, yet it turned out to be something else which kept KID on the edge of sanity once he faced his favorite critic. Kaitou KID was in love with the detective of the east.

There had never been a person KID desired so bad as him. His knees grew weak as soon as he felt these blue eyes burn a hole into his soul, his body started to tremble at a small wink and these lips... Kaito caught himself staring at his lips far too often, his image of a gentleman thief was in serious danger. But he had to keep his feelings a secret, too high would be the chance of rejection and who was he to ask out a detective?
Once the chilling night air lifted him high into the sky his sorrows broke out, after every heist Kaitou KID would fly in tears away from his one and only, leaving behind a furious Shinichi on top of a roof and his shattered pokerface. But he never noticed... and he shouldn't either.

As Kaito had graduated he made a choice which would change his life forever. A last heist would be held by him, to bid his farewell and continue inside Europe to find Pandora. Japan had been out of jewels by now; he was forced to leave to reach his goal. His friends, his home and his one and only. His love had never died out, in fact he grew only more attached to him. Alone reading his name inside newspapers made him feel lightheaded and flattered; he couldn't stop smiling and finally he would set up his pokerface, forcing back the tears threating to break his smile. He would have never dared to cry in front of a picture of his love, not even speaking about the real human himself.
He wanted to show Shinichi his powers, what he was capable off. Proudly raising his head above the crowd, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN" echoing through the masses, his voice as charming and mysterious as his appearance; he wanted Shinichi to be proud of him. Kaito did his best once his favorite critic was in near, alone his presence forced a perfect behavior out of the male.

"Kaitou KID! I knew I'd find you here."
Kaito smiled upon hearing his voice, unable to refrain from closing his eyes to enjoy his presence just a moment longer. He turned around, his hands inside his pockets, appearing as carefree as ever with a nostalgic smile covering his lips.
"I waited for you, Meitantei."
"Don't try to deceive me KID, you-... What? You waited?"
A pleasant sigh left the magician's lips, he inched closer towards the detective who seemed frozen in curiosity and gently took his hands, stroking the back of each with his thumb.
"Do you want to catch me? Then do so. Catch me with these hands of yours, Meitantei... else I will disappear forever out of your grasp."
"Do you want to be caught so bad? Watch your words KID."
Another halfhearted chuckle escaped his mouth and before Shinichi could react, the thief had placed a gentle kiss on his cheek and slipped a small card into his pocket.
"Farewell, Meitantei... I enjoyed my time with you to its fullest."
Then he took off, like a dove he darted upwards into the sky, to never see his loved one again. Tears prinkled inside his eyes and finally rolled downwards, leaving a hot trail of sadness on his cheeks. Kaito cried. He didn't want this, he didn't want to tell him nor let him go. But he had to... for the sake of his father, he would continue his search for Pandora.
Inside a world so far away.

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