Drunk (Sagukai) Part 2

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Sorry, I really couldn't resist to take that further

Hakuba still didn't remember anything from this night the thief claimed both had. Proof was there, Hakuba woke up completely naked and inside the magicians bed, but Kaito could have simply undressed him. As soon as he got his hangover under control, he swung himself out of bed in a little too fast manner which forced him to rest a second.
Dressing himself only in boxers too he shambled into the kitchen where his rival sat with a plate full of chocolate pancakes, eating eagerly while reading the morning news on his tablet.

Said one lifted his gaze with a cheeky smile and rose one of his eyebrows.
"Yes Sagu-chan~?"
His cheeks flushed a slight hint of red as he heard him calling his name like that. Had he ever possessed such a sweet voice? Ah this wasn't the right time.
"L-look, I believe it's pretty unbelievable we really..."
Somehow Saguru found it difficult to speak these words out, they meant too much to him.
"A-ah, lets just say... T-this isn't one of your silly pranks, is it?"

Kaito frowned and motioned with a halfway hurt expression onto his chair. As Hakuba took a closer look, he saw Kaito sat on two extra fluffy pillows to ease his pain and immediately flushed deep red.
"N-no way... You mean we really... and even if, I really was... and you were...?!"
Kaito laughed softly and took off the shirt he wore by now, revealing countless hickeys all over his neck, chest and even a few bite marks complimenting his abs.
"Where else should I've gotten those from? You sure were persistant on sleeping with me tho... I really had to force you off of me the first moments until you made your once in a lifetime confession~"
The poor detective couldn't help than to jawdrop as he stared at his own marks he left all over his rival. Finally, he bowed down with a soft regretting whimper.
"I-I am truly sorry Kuroba-kun, I didn't mean to-"
"No. It's fine. I... enjoyed it."

Kaito raised himself onto trembling legs and took gently Hakuba's hand into his own ones, smiling softly at him.
"Relax. Ah and... Might go to the bathroom? I still have to treat your back."
Hakuba furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, stretching lightly his muscles only to flinch as a sharp pain rushed through his body. At that, Kaito only showed a smirk.
"Lets just say I have quite some claws even tho my nails are short~"

There really had been a lot of moments where Hakuba wanted to vanish into the ground in embarassment thanks to KID, but this time was one of the worst ones. He never felt his face to be burning until he knelt in front of Kaito who gently desinficated his back. Both enjoyed each other's presence in silence until suddenly, Saguru's phone rang. With a displeased groan he picked up only to hear a worried Shinichi at the end of the line.
"Hakuba? How are you? You sure drank a lot. Did Kuroba bring you home?"
The detective froze a short second before he bit his lip.
"Well... No... My home was too far away... I slept over at his."
"...cracking voice, a hint of nervousity, your breath uneven... You are keeping a secret, Hakuba. What are you hiding?"

Seeing his rival this uncomfortable made Kaito sigh in annoyance. Why couldn't they leave them alone for now to first sleep really out? He snatched his phone out of his hands and grinned in an overly sweet voice at the phone.
"Kudo-kun, we are still exhausted, it was a rough night so please don't call today anymore. See you~"
Shinichi jawdropped as he heard this and didn't even react as Kaito hung up. Instantly he knew what happened between them, he wasn't called the detective of the east just for the heck of it.

Not long after that, all of their friends knew about the newly found couple.

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